Friday, May 28, 2010

Lesson Learned

Its Friday of Memorial Day weekend...gotta love holiday weekends...Chris should be home early...I hope!
This seems like the first moment I've stopped since we came back from vacation. I had enjoyed blogging so much that I had planned to keep it going when I came back but cleaning, cooking, playing, feeding,...LIFE and reality...took over. Alas, here I am while Mason has "quiet time" (which sounds alot like regular play time, only he stays in his room or the bonus room and talks to his toys vs. me) And Micah is taking his second nap.

This week I've had some first time moments twice in the same week. The first first was coming home from my parents house... Behind my seat two little feet started kicking and his little mouth started chattering faster and faster, that's what he dose when he needs to go but really doesn't want to stop playing...I began the conversation in my head, " I mean really...NOW?, will he be able to hold it? Maybe if I don't say anything he will continue to ignore what his body is trying to tell him and keep coping with chatter and fidgeting, on the other hand if he cant what a mess!" SO I said the words with a scowl of hope on my face, "Mason do you need to go potty?" He responded, not with his usual "no, not at all" But, with a desperate plea for help, "YES, Mommy really, really bad! But we don't have a potty in the car"...So I told him the only thing we could do is make it home or go behind a bush or tree and he said, "Well I guess we are going to have to go behind a bush or tree then" So even though we were only about 3 mins from the house I pulled the car over, he quickly got out, relieved himself and upon returning to the car said, "Sorry to make you wait Micah, I just had to go Really Bad!"

So you think I would have learned my lesson...make the kid try to go before you get in the car. Yesterday, we went to visit Grammy and as I was putting Masons shoes on he let out some gas...
Me- "Do you think you might have some poopy?"
Mason- "Not at all, just gas"
Me- (conversation in my head) "maybe I should make him try, I've already used the extra shorts we had in the bag because of the cake he sat in, and we have a long ride back and if he needs to poop there's not a chance he'll take a nap in the car"

I didn't feel like the battle so we got in the car...and he began his chatter,I was wishing I would have chosen the battle... this time we found a gas station and even though we were in the car like an hour he didn't fall asleep until we were pulling into the neighborhood. So Micah nursed in the car and Mason ended up napping in the garage for an hour. Lesson Learned, even if there is a battle...always try before you get in the car!

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