Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Momma Lemar

I've said it before and I'll say it again...One of the most miraculous things about life to me is how God created a mother with the ability to be a child's life line through milk for an entire year and in other places longer than that if needed. Yesterday at alligator adventures we had the chance to watch a mother Lemar nurse her tiny infant...it was so miraculous and human like too! God is so awesome to create nutrition especially designed for the offspring of a mother so that she can sustain her baby. The Lemar mother was just sitting there holding her infant looking around and at one point she looked down and seemed to give her baby a little kiss and looked back up. In that moment I connected with that Lemar for I've done that same thing many times while nursing. She would stroke his little head and he would pull off and look around then nestle back close to his mothers chest as she held him close. Then came another lamer with what looked more like the toddler hanging on his back and again I connected, this "toddler Lemar" was hanging on the back of his parent. He still needed him but not like the infant did. As I photographed these animals and watched their little family I thought about my little family, how Micah is surviving on my milk, being comforted by our kisses and touch and how Mason is hanging on to our every move and we are showing him the world and how to respond and react to each and every situation. I just pray that as our boys begin to grow and need us less and less to survive that they will somehow gain the wisdom and knowledge they need to not only survive, but to thrive and become men that will know how to be kind and care for other people just like this little momma Lemar is caring for her infant! And as tiresome as it can be trying to be the best model for them, in the moments we wish they weren't "on our backs" I pray that Chris and I will have the wisdom and knowledge to know how to parent: Care for them, love them, discipline them, and train them in the way they should go so when they are older they will not depart from the love they know God has for them. So while Micah needs me in his life to be his "lifeline" of nutrition I hope that just as I am sustaining him that he and Mason will learn to be fully alive and sustained in Christ! That at an early age they will come to know how miraculous Jesus Christ and his Love for them is and that they will have moments like I had where they can connect with something else in creation and it will bring them back to God and his AWESOMENESS!
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