Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 5

Our LAST full day on Vacation started with Mason and I going down to the pool. We played in the tree that had concrete birds spitting water on us, warmed up in the hot spa, climbed in the mouth of the “hipomumpotamus”, warmed up in the hot spa, Mason practiced jumping in to my arms without wearing his Spiderman Water Wings, we warmed up in the hot spa…and repeated this several times until Daddy and Micah came down to join us. Then Chris and I did the parent swap and he and Mason went down the big green water slide probably like 50 times (I’m not exaggerating) while I did one of my most favorite things about vacation. I know you’re probably thinking, “hmm…what was her favorite part? Laying out? Taking a nap? Going for a run?”, rocking Micah to sleep. He would barely start to let out his sounds of crank and I’d pick him up, give him his paci, place him in my left arm, hold him close, say “shh” and he’d be OUT, in that same position for like 30 to 45 mins. I don’t usually get the opportunity to hold Micah that long in such a peaceful state, I loved it…going into family vacation I wouldn’t have thought that I would have said that would have been my favorite part, but it was, I just know he is going to be too big for me to hold like that so soon and I am really going to miss how cuddly he is.

After the pool time we went up to the room to clean out the fridge for lunch, showered and headed back to Alligator Adventure for our “Free 2nd Day Pass” Then we went back to the great park where Mason flew the air plane/rocket, and Micah had some daddy time and a little swing in the swing. We brought some popcorn for the ducks but they didn’t like it. Whoever invented parks must have had family time in mind too! I love parks, especially this one with HUGE shade trees, a pond, walking trail, toddler playground area and an older kid play area with the foam floor (a mother probably invented the foam ground cover) After the park we found some yummy Japanese Hibachi then headed back to the ocean for our last trip to the water.
We took the popcorn the ducks didn’t like and hoped that there would be some seagulls or some kind of bird that would want to eat some but I wasn’t too worried that the popcorn would go to waste because with every throw of popcorn Mason ate some for himself too! I had hoped this last little trip to the ocean would be really enjoyable for all of us but Micah was really sleepy so I quickly took some of my favorite pictures of the weekend of Mason running alongside the ocean, the sun was at the most perfect spot to cast a reflection so it looked as if he was walking on water. After he was done feeding the birds he just decided to take a little seat in the ocean and let the waves wash over him one last time. I smiled as I took pictures and looked back up to where Chris was holding Micah and I wished so badly that Micah would have been in a better mood because I would have loved for Micah to share that same moment with Mason (plus I really would have liked those pictures) but …sigh…I’ll keep my little Micah as long as I can. Once again Chris and I did the parent swap and He and Mason stayed behind to build one last castle and I whispered in Micah’s ear, “its okay buddy, momma’s here, and I don’t want you to ever grow up!” Then he grabbed my face and gave me the most wonderful slobbery kiss ever! Really I do want him to grow up but he is just sooo sweet, I just LOVE to hold him.
After the boys went to bed Chris and I finished off our ice cream and decided that once vacation was over we HAD to get back to eating right and exercising!

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