Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Ocean

Before we left for the beach we made a Wal-Mart run (Mason thought we said Lawn-Mart) we let him pick out some sand toys and when I got down to the beach this morning with Micah I was glad to see that Chris and Mason had put the toys to good use! You gotta love the beach for kids, especially Mason...he loves dirt and sand and unfortunately, most times he wants to put his hands in the dirt are not times that I want him to. For example, every time I go to Gateway to teach music he reaches his hands down to pick up the dirt that is still left from their new construction and runs it through his fingers. The first night we were here and were on our way in to eat at a restaurant, as soon as we got out of the car he reached down and put his hands in the dirt...yuck... when we leave church by the sidewalk is a place where no grass is growing so Mason has to reach down and rub his little hands in the dirt. Each time he does it my eyes roll and my face squishes in disgust...but really why does this bother me so badly? After all its just dirt. Today he LOVED having so much sand to dig in!

A high pitched squeal followed by lots of laughs and an occasional roar is what I heard as Chris lifted Mason over the crashing waves. The waves are so strong and could probably knock Mason down but he wasn't afraid of them at all. But why should he have been, he knew his daddy wouldn't let the waves knock him down, instead Mason seemed to feel as if he was a champion of the waves!

Micah is the happiest, most easy going baby ever! He woke up this morning and I put him back down for an early nap before we went out to the beach. We were on the beach and he loved it LOVED IT! He'd laugh, babble play with his toes and the little mesh bag the sand toys came in. And whoever invented the Bumbo was a genius! A great little chair that you can take in the sand in the ocean on your table...wherever! When we noticed he was a little sleepy looking Chris just held him and he drifted right off to sleep for another nap in his daddy's arms. When he woke up he ate some sweet potatoes and just sat and played with a little tag from one of the toys...he is so happy! He might be one of the easiest babies ever!

My dad used to always make cars out of the sand for us so in honor of him Mason and I made two cars out of the sand! So these cars are for you dad!

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