Monday, May 17, 2010

Alligator Adventures

When we woke up this morning the plan was to go to the beach so we ate, lathered up in sunscreen and got our sand toys and headed down to the ocean. At first we were thrilled that it was overcast that way we could play and not be too hot...well when we got to the beach we were the only ones on the beach other than a couple of runners and some elderly people...I thought, "hmmm, maybe everyone else is thinking that the possibility of rain is going to be stronger than I did?" None the less we spread out our sheet, opened our bag of sand toys and just as we were filling our first bucket of sand Chris felt the first drop..."its just a drizzle" I said. Mason didn't mind and Micah didn't either but the drop turned into a steady drizzle and I didn't think Micah was gonna care for it if it got too much stronger so Micah and I headed back in for some R&R and Chris and Mason stayed building castles on the sand in the rain... right before I turned the corner to head back up to our room I looked over my shoulder and all I could see on the huge beach was Chris and Mason looking so small sitting right beside each other building castles and the sky was dark but right above them the clouds were broken with a little light peaking through as if God had cleared the morning just for the two of them. No one else seemed to be around just Chris and his little boy building Castles in the Rain! What a great daddy Mason has!
A rainy day for the beach called for Alligator Adventures! Of all the times I've been to the beach I've never been here...SOO many alligators and reptiles, my dad would have been in heaven.

I'm not really sure why they called it Alligator reality all the alligators seemed to do was just lay there, so still, resting for their opportunity to attack I guess? But I have never seen so many alligators and turtles. Big and little alligators and turtles. And how is it possible they can be soo huge and just float on the water? They had a house full of snakes I knew before today that I wasnt too fond of snakes but I discovered today that I have a fear of snakes. It was all I could do to keep my fear hidden from Mason when we were in the house of snakes. In the house of Lizards I saw my first legless lizard...looked like a snake with a lizard head.

Before I took this picture Mason was nervous that Chris was going to drop him into the gate with the gators.

We watched two shows. The first was the alligator feed and the second was meet some reptiles. We sat on the front row as the lady gave us some facts about a blue tounged skink lizard, a python (which Mason informed me will "Squeeezzzzeee you Mommy") and a 3 year old alligator whos mouth she had to tape shut with electrial tape to keep it from biting her and us. The lizard I was okay with the python I didnt want to hardly even look at and at the end of her talk she sat the alligator whos tail was slapping her hard on the back and looking for his opportunity to attack on the ground infront of Micah and he jumped and I jumped...the crazy instinct to protect your child came over me and I was fully prepared to attack that alligator...thankfully the guide realized my fear, called me out infront of everyone and moved the alligator over to the other side....on that note our alligator adventure was over...but we can if we wish, return for a second day free! I really did enjoy the place just feel more comfortable with seeing the animals from a distance behind glass or in a cage...far away from my baby.
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