Friday, May 14, 2010

Growing Up

Mason is getting more and more independent everyday. He loves that when we go to a public restroom that he can reach the paper towels all by himself, that he doesn't have to stand on his toes to reach the light switch or to turn his sound machine off and that he can stand on his stool to help me cook and reach the spices all by himself! These accomplishments are causing him to see what else he can reach or do by himself. Last week during quiet time he decided to change his clothes and put on his Buzz PJ's so he could pretend to be a super hero during nap time. One day this week he had a friend over and they were playing in the bonus room and I left them for a second and Mason had gotten his stool, reached the scissors and cut a hole in the top of his card table and when I came back in he said, "look what I did mommy" Earlier this week he came down the stairs in the morning and greeted Micah in his exocauser and Chris and I laughed at each other, without Mason knowing, because he had undressed and dressed himself...backwards. I thought wow, he's really ready to dress himself in the morning! Later I discovered he had leaked thru his nighttime pull up!

Micah is following right in his brothers footsteps wanting to be independent himself. He is loving to eat! Some days he eats three solid food meals his favorites are Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Pears, green beans, avocados, butternut squash he doesn't care too much for peas or bananas. And recently hes been practicing with a sippy cup of water! Boy oh Boy does he love to jump! He jumps in the JumpeRo and he even jumps in the exosaucer! Hes also getting really good at sitting up. As long as there is a toy in front of him he will hold onto it and sit with an occasional wobble which he can correct...however sometimes he will still over correct and fall, thank goodness we have carpet! If he ends up on the ground he will cry a little if left on his tummy but if you smile or laugh he will respond with a belly laugh followed by a tiny cry which leads to another belly laugh...Hes so happy he hates to have to cry! Its as if hes acting like an adult who has every reason to cry but feels silly they are crying and so they laugh in the middle of their cry...that's what Micah does.

Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child is a book that I read to have a guide to helping Micah sleep well! He has been a good night sleeper for a while! His sleep schedule can be flexible, here's a little preview of his sleep habits...he wakes sometime between 4-6am to eat then will go back to sleep until 7 or 730 (sometimes he leaves this early morning feeding out all together) Typically he wakes around 7 takes a nap from 9-11, takes a second nap around 1 and a third nap around 4 and is in bed between 630-7. We are really trying to stretch him to go to sleep no earlier than 7 so that Chris can have a little time with him at night. I love having this video monitor so we can watch him roll around in his bed with his duck that Aunt Jackie gave him and find one of the 4 pacis that I put in his crib. He has fun taking them in and out of his mouth, and he reaches over and pushes or kicks on his little ocean wonder crib toy that lights up and plays music and it seems that at night he likes to lay sideways in his crib or maybe he just gets stuck in that spot??? But hes sleeping so I guess its not bothering him! I love the early morning with Micah, hes so happy to be awake, in my arms and his little ears are sooo cold...I just love cold ears!

Now that its warmer outside Mason loves to play in the backyard, and I'm SO thankful we have a fence and a kitchen with a window! He plays in his pirate ship or on his blue boat, with his bubble train or sidewalk chalk and sometimes at night while I run in to check on dinner not but one or two mins will pass by and I'll hear a knock on the door and open it to see a cute little boy smiling so big his eyes are shut holding out his hand to bring me a tiny little flower that he has picked just for me! Hes so proud of this little flower, so I guess I dont mind that our yard has weeds its giving my little boy an opportunity to think of me!

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