Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 3

Cover me up Mommy! Mason asked to be covered up in the sand today...this was as far as he wanted to be covered though.

Micah had no trouble napping on the beach!

I wish I had my external drive with me because we have a picture of Mason wearing the exact same thing sitting in the bumbo...I Really want to compare the two...they look so much the same but so different too!

Best investment EVER was a tent for the beach...However, with two boys I'm sure we will put it to use at some ball fields too!
Today, day 3, was another great day for the Haynes Family Vacation! Beach, naps, Outback, Wendy's for Ice Cream, park, hide n seek, bed! The beach weather is perfect! Micah is doing great and Mason had an extra cooperative day. We love it when he has days like this they give us the proud parent faces, you know the kind, when you look at your kid, smile with your eyes and grin...that face often is accompanied by a glance at your spouse and a glance back at your kid, followed with... sigh...,"we have such a good little boy." We had lots of those moments today. My favorite was when Chris was giving Mason the choice of going to get vanilla ice cream at Chick fila and playing in their play place or going to an ice cream shop for chocolate ice cream (his favorite)
Mason-"How about chocowate ice cream in a cone ...they dont have that at Chick Fila so wets try to find somewhere that has chocowate ice cream in a cone."
He had been so good all day so we were really excited to be able to get the boy some chocolate ice cream in a cone.
Chris- "okay Mason we will keep driving and looking for somewhere that might have chocolate ice cream in a cone"
Mason- "Its okay daddy wif you cant find some chocowate ice cream in a cone we can just go back to chick fila"
Chris and Mandy- Proud parent face, sigh, we have such a sweet little boy!
We ended up at Wendy's for a chocolate frosty in a cup and then a visit to the great park near the O.D. Pavilion where Mason loved playing, and Micah fell asleep in my arms and then Mason said "I wove vacation, its fun on vacation" This is the perfect family vacation spot!
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
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