Monday, July 5, 2010

Big Brother and Little Brother

These boys are brothers that's for sure! And they know their rolls very well! Micah is such a good little brother and Mason is a wonderful big brother too! Micah deals with Mason pulling on his fingers taking a toy that hes chewing on out of his mouth, being welcomed from sleep with a boisterous "hello wittle buddy, did you have a good sleep? Did ya, did ya hunh?" Micah, for the most part, is so kind to this somewhat rude awakening by answering Mason with a few quick blinks of his eyes and an immediate smile! Mason LOVES to see Micah and has created several nick names for him that he says with his teeth clinched tight (that's Masons new, excited habit...clinching his teeth, sometimes grinding them = nails on a chalk board for me!): "Little Buddy" "Little Honey" "Babe" "Babes" "Big Guy" and I feel like I'm forgetting one....oh well, it will come to me sometime when I'm away from the computer. Pictured below is a typical moment for the life of Micah and Mason...we were camping and Mason was "helping" set up the tent, while Micah just watched contently from the stroller...Mason realized that Micah was in the stroller and said "aww Wittle buddy can't help" Micah thrilled that Mason came to pay him some attention Laughed out loud! Mason LOVES to make Micah laugh and he will sometimes get carried away in his efforts to make Micah laugh that we have to remind him to be "EASY" which he responds to with, "but hes waffing" (in case you haven't noticed, Mason has replaced the Y for W sounds when hes using any word with an L) Mason is so cute though, he will let Micah pull on his ears, his hair, pinch his face,...anything for a laugh or to make Micah happy. Here it is in action. Micah torturing Mason....and Micah's the one strapped in?? For the first time the other day the boys were in one of these positions and Mason said, "Ouch Micah, don't do that" And I had to gently remind Mason that he may not want to put his head between Micahs hands if he didn't want to get pinched or scratched or pulled on!

Micah LOVEs that he can sit up so well now! And he tries to get to Mason anyway he can! He scoots on his bottom and will reach to an almost crawl position but wont crawl, or doesn't really have the chance or need too because Mason will see what Micah wants and say, "here you go wittle honey" Its so sweet to watch them. I just pray the sweetness continues! I'm seeing little glimpses of Mason having to learn what it means to not be selfish, have patience, be kind, not be greedy, ...and I love it when he makes a hard choice and considers his brother before himself...on his own, that the character trait, we pray for!
Micah watches Mason do everything and kicks his legs, waves his arms and grunts to be where ever Mason is. Micah was so excited to get to be on top of the playground equipment and Mason wanted to be sure to let me know that he would watch out for "babes" and keep him safe.

Here again Mason has his hand behind Micah to protect him from the step, and Micah LOVES that hes doing what Mason is! The two of them have started this little thing while Micah gets his diaper changed, they start making a "aaaahhhhh or oooohhhhh" sound together and they do it till they run out of breath then both start laughing! Its so cute! I love it! Micah is trying so hard to communicate with him!

I was trying to be a "good mom" and make it fair for them both so I thought Micah would LOVE his little turtle pool to splash in while Mason ran and jumped in the splash mat...And he did love it... while Mason was in it with him...but once I had the splash mat set up for Mason Micah wasn't so happy that he couldn't do the splash mat too! Poor Baby!

Mason tried to make Micah happy by saying, "its okay babes, you can just watch me!, Its still fun to play out here"...Mason said that directed to me and I totally understood what he was thinking..."oh, I hope shes not going to make me go back inside because Micah is crying"
In the end, Micah quit crying and did enjoy watching Mason splash and jump, but he still had a very sad face, a face longing to be "big". Oh the joys of parenting. The stress you put on yourself to "be fair or even" When in reality, its okay for them to learn the lessons of considering others better than yourself, to have to wait and watch and be patiently joyful at the sight of your sibling enjoying something even if you can't. If we could figure out how to help these boys understand how to not be prideful, but respectful, how to not be jealous but instead grateful and most importantly how to love each other more than themselves we will be teaching them life lessons! And if ONLY I could keep this idea of parenting in the forefront of my mind as well! Like today when we were having a nice little picnic in the shade and Mason and Chris were playing soccer in the shade but Micah was sad and wanted to go home for a nap...I was wishing that we would have driven separately so that Chris and Mason could continue playing and Micah could go home to sleep. But we didn't have to cars so we all packed up and left. Mason was sad to leave, but not out of control, and I was able to tell him that we love the park and playing soccer but we love Micah too and right now we needed to think of Micah...and Mason understood! Why do we think our kids wont understand things like that? Why don't I make more of an effort to just really explain the truth of why I'm doing something? I'm really gonna work on it! And I'm sure I'll have lots of practice with these two! If Only Mason knew the reality of how much, already, that Micah is watching! I hope they always wanna be together!

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