Monday, March 9, 2015

Mandy It's Fixed

March 9, 2015

Mandy, it is fixed!!!

The four words above made me smile.  I had come to type last week and realized that for some reason I could not actually type in the word document?  The cursor would blink but no keystrokes were recorded.  I mentioned it to Chris and he fixed it!  (turns out the software needed updating)  Usually when the little boxes pop up on the screen I minimize them, never read them, and go on about my original reason for turning on the computer.  SO typical of Chris to actually fix it.  He is always paying attention to detail.  He has a place for things, more routine, a plan well planned by him he will surely execute.  I love this side of him that I don’t have.  I love that God uses Chris to show me about the nature of Christ all the time. 

Sure, Chris is lovely to look at.  Provides financially for our family but, the other Christlike qualities I gain from being his partner in marriage show me even more.  I am trying to become more aware of our differences so that I can see areas that Christ is showing me parts of Himself through the spouse He gifted me with.

Attention to detail: “Mandy its fixed” 

This time it’s the computer, yesterday it was the air in the tires for our first ever family of 5 bike ride.  Left up to me, the one who lacks attention to detail, I simply put in a little air, pushed down on the tires, they felt firm enough…we were all riding around on flat tires…But Chris had the tire gauge out and we were all pressured to the right amount.  AND now it was even easier for Micah to peddle his bike with training wheels because he was riding on them the way the creator of the tires designed them to be used.

Likewise my heavenly father knows everything.  Every attention to detail that I need he (Psalm 39:4) reminds me how brief my time on earth will be , my life is fleeting.  (Matt 10:30) Even the very hairs of my head are all numbered…that is some serious attention to detail…makes me want to sharpen my own life and work on possessing that gift that God has given to Chris that Chris wonderfully shares with me. Not so that I can be impressive with my own attention to detail but because God desires me to… Ephesians 5:15 Be very careful then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise. And,
Ephesians 1:18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he called you what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.   I am a Child of God!  He has created and designed me.  He has a plan.

Attention to detail is important to Christ look at how well he gives instruction on how to build the tabernacle or how descriptive his words are and how he teaches again in parables so a deeper spiritual truth can be seen. 

Maybe it will start with something as little as paying attention to the boxes that pop up on my computer, or maybe it will begin with deciding a definite place to keep the extra boxes of tissues (currently you may find them in the laundry room or down the hall in the linin closet) but I pray that as I notice Chris’ attention to detail, that I will continue to praise God for His plan and purpose for me.  His attention to the details of my life. 
Just as Chris cares for me and desires to “fix” the little things in my life, how much more my heavenly Father cares for me.   He already knows all about me and He wants me to search the details of his word, to know Him.  To discover His plan for me.

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

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