Wednesday, March 18, 2015

God holds those you care about.

God holds the people you care about.  God cares about them more. March 18,2015

Decided to load a picnic basket and head to the park on this beautiful day.  We didn’t have plans to meet anyone.  But turns out I had a chance to talk to an old friend. 

Two weeks ago I participated in a contest to help my friend and old neighbor, Alissa Bray, promote her photography business.  I ended up winning …2 times….this weekend we will be having a FREE photo shoot from her.   Two days ago she was asking on FB if anyone knew of a 10 day old baby model that she could practice a new pose on.  …I was trying to connect her to my cousin Katie….THEN TODAY I “randomly” see her at the park! 

Before we moved from Huntington Forest we saw each other all the time!  Mason was 3 and Micah had just been born when we met!   She isn’t a believer and for the first time I had a really close relationship with an unbeliever.  She was a close friend.  I did a lot of investing in her, not because I felt sorry for her or felt like she was a charity case, I genuinely enjoyed her friendship.  I was trying to live Ephesians 5:16, “making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”  I knew God had ordained our meeting.  I knew God put her in my life.   She even still says that because of my encouragement she started her own photography business. She moved before we did and I often think about that friendship and wonder if she has anyone else in her life that is pointing her to Christ.

Today I saw her at the park with a gal that I met on the womens retreat at church (she was actually my small group leader) My heart smiled as we sat there because I knew, I realized that God hadn’t forgotten Alissa.  God is still pursuing her.  There will be times that she comes back into my life and I “happen” to win a contest or our boys play on a team together or we cross paths at the park…But my job along my journey is to be who HE has created me to be.  I cannot worry.  I cannot fix everyone.  I cannot lead everyone to Christ.  I CAN be His hands.  I can be His feet. I can be an encouragement.  HE will take care of the rest. 

1 Corinthians 3:7 “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”

Lord, may I never miss an opportunity to plant or water your harvest. Matthew 9:37 “Then he said to his disciples; The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

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