Friday, March 13, 2015

Routine for Mom while we are out of town

Daily Routines

Wake Mason at 6:45


Hair and Teeth

Lunch packed

Mason leaves for school 7:20

Micah and Ethan eat breakfast and play with each other

Around 8-8:15 clean up and come to bar for “Preschool” (or if they are playing fine together then leave them alone to play)  Before Screen time we do some preschool.  *** YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO PRESCHOOL!!!

While preschool is going on I clean the kitchen- load dishes, unload, sweep, wipe counters, start laundry

            Some Options for preschool:
            3 pages from a workbook
            salt pan practice writing letters, numbers or drawing shapes
            file folder games
            write name in journal, draw pics in journal (they each have one in the kitchen drawer)
            review days of the week, months of the year, counting, rhyming words
            play dough
Once preschool is completed they brush their teeth and get dressed for the day before screen time. Micah usually always asks to wait till after screen time, but if we don’t do it then I never remember to brush their teeth J —they can play the Wii, Micah and Ethan can watch the same show or separate shows (Micah likes wild kratts and aurther,  Dinosaur train- we have lots of things dvrd-Ethan mainly just likes paw patrol)--- Ethan may ask to play the ipad or your phone, we don’t let him…he cant do it unassisted and I use screens as a babysitter J

While they are watching a show I shower, get ready or do some chores.
Once their show is over they have a morning snack…one of these
            Yogurt and granola, cheese stick
            Crackers, pretzels, granola bar

After snack they play, we go somewhere, if its nice they have outside “recess” (Ethan loves to always go out Micah sometimes has to be forced- Micahs not big on transitions…hes a homebody.
            Playset, chalk-hopscotch, Helmets for bikes and scooters

They also just play with toys. We have a white game bucket Ethan and Micah can together play most of the games in there (E will need some assistance)

Some other ideas of “Things to Play” if they say they are board or if they are fighting and you need to switch up the scene-
            Super Heros
            Play Mobile
            Flashlights in E’s Dark room (Glow board in Micah’s Room)
            Paint (ethan Loves to paint, Micah can be hit or miss)
            Matchbox Racecars
            Magnablock puzzels
            Pretend will all the stuffed animals in Ethans room
            Kitchen “Picnic or Resruant”

Lunch around 12
After Lunch we read some books
E down for nap at 1
            He usually cries
            (If his diaper is dry I put him on the potty and read one of the books on the shelf while he pees.)
            Asks for a sippy cup of water with ONE ice (one icecube) he takes a sip and I stand it up beside his pillow in his crib…if the sippy is leaking remove the stopper dry it out and reset the seal.
            Sometimes he wants to change into his PJs for nap- up to you
            We read one book- if it’s the song book we sing them just pick some
Once Ethan is down I usually do one more thing with Micah- Read some books, play a game, do some preschool or file folder games….then he has playtime (Quiet play alone time in the bounus room or his room, not a time that he should be playing something he needs my help with)

I use this time to have quiet time- read, pray, nap (I wish)
I then invite Micah to help me do some chores- Laundry, prep dinner, clean or he can continue to play alone…if he asks to play computer he can navigate PBSKIDS.COM –WildKratts and dinosaur train he likes.
**His user name is 123micah456 and his password is ilikepizza

As long as the front door is unlocked you don’t have to be on the porch waiting for Mason to get off the bus!  Hes off a couple of mins before 3.

He comes in they have an afternoon snack-                     
            Crackers, pretzles, chips, fruit, granola….depending on the night you can decide how much you want them to eat before dinner

Mason has an Orange Homework Folder the only part he needs help with are some of the spelling exercises.  You have to sign that he has completed his homework and are supposed to check his agenda and initial that you read any notes from school or reminders from school.  I also usually go ahead and take his icepack from his lunch box and put it back in the freezer for the next day.
After snack They usually play outside until 4:20- Basketball, football, bikes, scooters… IF ETHAN ISNT UP BY 4…wake him or he will have trouble sleeping at night.
            Afternoon Screen at 4:30 AFTER they have completed their daily chore responsibility. You look around and see what you may need some help with and they can do one of them. (You can probably count they are going to ask if they can have more screen time…up to you, I usually say no and they don’t pout or cry)

            Chore options- Fold and put away towels, match socks, unload dishwasher (they unload what they can, I do the rest) Empty trashcans- Ethan is great at this one) Vaccume a room, pick up toys, wipe bathroom counter, windex glass doors, dust, collect dirty clothes from laundry baskets and bring to laundry room….anything really they are used to doing one chore a day before afternoon screen time. 
**Mason has a responsibility of putting his clothes away- I fold them put them on hangers and put them on his bed- he puts them away- plus he likes to put them in a certain spot. J

Screen time Mason may play the ipad or a game on the computer – sometimes they are all three doing something different for screen time.  If mason asks to do go noodle or cool math that’s okay, we just don’t allow him to go to his room and use the ipad…gotta protect him.

While they have screen time I start cooking
After Screen time they play together, finish helping cook dinner, set the table, do some extra chores –they get paid for these extra(masons saving money for an ipod, Micah is saving for a lego set)
**OR go ahead and take a shower before dinner.  Ethan is fine to be in with Mason _ Mason likes the water hotter than Micah so Mason and Ethan go first then Mason gets out and Micah gets in; Ethan just stays in and plays the whole time…  or (micah and Ethan sometimes like to take a bath together)  *** I know sometimes it seems silly to shower before a practice night but we just have to sometimes….if you don’t think they need one they can skip but may need to remind them to change underwear.
Dinner- Ethan needs to sit in his booster (he may ask to sit on the bench- he wont eat he will just laugh and walk on the bench- if on the porch he sits in a chair)
They all have a responsibility to sit at the table and talk about our day until everyone is finished eating and then they are to help clean up after dinner.  Once the kitchen is all clean then we either leave for a practice or Awana or have “family time” 

They make up games with the dice, throw/ play catch in the bonus room,  they can all play uno, family Wii, hide and seek, flashlight shadow puppets on the curtain in the bonus room- may not be dark enough for that anymore) – if they didn’t shower before dinner then they can do that after—

** at 7:15 we break from whatever family thing we are doing and all boys go brush teeth, down in Mason and Micahs Bathroom-- say good night to Ethan and put him in the bed
            Diaper and PJs
he picks two books from his drawer, turns sound machine on and asks for water with one ice.--- be prepared for tears.

we play one thing before the others go to bed- a game or stories or something with Mason and then something with Micah –go to read stories by 740—unless its practice or awana night…they come in from those things brush teeth, bible and bed….Ethan is always with us so he ends up in bed pretty late most nights.

We sit on Micah’s bed read a bible story and pray.
Mason sleeps with his closet light on- lays his clothes out for the next day, and reads by himself before he goes to sleep.  

Catch some zzz before we do it again the next day! We wake Mason at 6:45am

Day Time Options: 
Story Time at 10 or 11 at the Baxter Library
Superior Play Systems has free play beginning at 10 you can pack a lunch and eat indoors
Wednesday Evening: Awana at Lake Shore Church starts at 6:45
Leave house at 6:30 to take boys to Awanas at lake shore church- they need their vest, bible and offering (coins from the back of big drawer in kitchen island)- Mason can check Micah in at a Awanas- Ethan and Crhis usually stay home and play while I take them to Awana, sometimes when I get back we give Ethan a bowl of dry cheerios and raisins and a water cup and a blanket and we take him on a stroller ride and just put him in the bed a little later (depending on if he napped)
Kristel and Jason can bring the Older boys home- NO bible stories on Wednesday because its so late-just brush teeth, pee and sleep.

Thursday Daytime : Bible Study- Pack a lunch for both boys
Thursday Evening Mason has football practice at 6:30 at Trail Head Park right past the Lakeshore Neighborhood… Cleats for Mason and a Waterbottle, chairs in the back or a blue mat for you to sit on.

If dad is available and you all want to go Micah and Ethan can play at the park with one of you while the other walks down the trail to football practice with Mason---or Micah can have a choice to go while the other one of you stays with Ethan to put him in the bed or Micah may wanna stay home and play…up to you…Ethan loves to go…or its also okay for you to tell the boys you are all going to go and watch Mason play they can bring some dinos or just find some sticks to play with during the practice, vs the younger two playing on the playground…up to you!

Friday Day time Options:  Free Play at Superior Play Systems 10-1
Evening Open

Saturday Micah has a soccer game at 11:35 and Mason has a football game at 11:15 – Coordinate with Phillip and Linda if you and dad cant/ don’t want to split up/

Sunday Church

Morning Options- Mr Nigel Music at Sam Ash 10:00am
Evening- Micah has soccer practice at Lookout Park (same place he has his games) at 6:30

Tuesday – Open
Wednesday- Superior Play Systems or Library Story Time 10-11 Wednesday Evening they have  Awana 6:45-8:15
Thursday Football Practice
Friday Open

Breakfast Menu--- they don’t get to choose what they eat…too many fights, this also helps me make sure I have enough of the same thing for everyone…I’ll have all this stocked for you.


-Cereal – Micah: Honey Crunch Oats, Mason: Cheerios, Ethan: Shredded Wheat or honey crunch oats.
-Instant Oatmeal- we use the small plastic babyfood bowls and just put enough water to wet it and cook for 30 secs
-Frozen Waffels  Micah sometimes only wants butter, no syrup, he kinda eats it like toast, I’d ask before you cut it up and put syrup on it.
-Bagels and Cream Cheese- Micah doesn’t like his toasted, Mason and Ethan like theirs toasted
-Pancakes and Bacon
-Eggs- Ethan is the only one who will eat scrambled eggs- I make them with salt and pepper.

            Dinner Options- We give them small portions and ask them to eat their veggies before having seconds.

Ziti Pasta with bag frozen meatballs in jar marinara sauce.  Shake Parmesan Cheese…Micah may or may not want the sauce, same with Ethan.   Serve with Salad and ranch dressing. (fruit if you want)

Tacos- Taco Ground beef already flavored and frozen in the freezer.  Serve with Corn, Chips and raw Zucchini Sticks with ranch.  Ethan and Mason like sour cream, beef and shredded cheese.  Micah likes a cold flour shell and shredded cheese rolled up- don’t heat it.

Mac N Cheese and frozen Chicken Nuggets and steamed broccoli or sweet peppers and ranch.

Grilled Chicken, Rice and raw veggies/ salad

Kids eat Free for Dinner-

Monday $.99 at Red Bowl, - We get Ethan Chicken Nuggets and Fries, Mason likes the cheese sticks and Chicken fingers (he also likes sesame chicken) Micah likes chicken nuggets and fries

Tuesday McAlisters Deli- Just ask what they want…pita pizza, mac n cheese, grilled chees ham and cheese
Beef O bradys- ask what they want from the menu
Moes – Micah and Ethan a Quesidillia

Wednesday- Captian Steves all day kids eat free

Saturday- $.99 Redbowl


Town Tavern and Beef O Bradys

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