Saturday, March 14, 2015

It Takes A Village

It takes a village:  March 14, 2015

Today I went with Kathrine Jackson to Superior Play Systems, a cool indoor playground equipment sales room that offers free play as a way to advertise.  Before we went I put on Facebook that we would be attending incase others wanted to join in on our field trip Friday!  I always love to let others know what they are doing incase a mom is really just needing somewhere to go with her kids, a way to get out of the house and be refreshed by some time with other women.

Our group this time was Me and Micah(5) and Ethan(2) ;along with pregnant Kathrine Jackson and Madyson (2) joined by Leah Outten who came with Jaxon(4) Ashlyn(2) and Sadie (3 weeks); another girl that I know but cannot remember her name came with her daughter Ashlyn (2) and her son(4 weeks)  and also joining us was Jen Sain with Gavin (2) and Grayson(6 months).  This was our unspoken “group” even though all the women didn’t know each other we knew common friends and we all worked together to care for each other’s children.

I loved our time together today.  Not because we had any really deep conversations that could last more than a couple of minuets because they were stopped as we attended to not only our children but the other children that were with our group. 

1 Peter 1:22 Love one another deeply, from the heart.

We loved eachother deeply today.  Mothers of young children aren’t bothered by broken conversations. Mothers of young children aren’t annoyed that their fellow young mother isn’t making eye contact when she speaks.  We all understand that we love and yearn for the adult conversation the one that encourages us, lifts us up, reminds us that we have other mothers of young children who are in our same boat.  One eye on your children and one eye on your friend, pausing in mid sentence to discipline, push a swing, spot a climbing toddler….attempting to pick up your conversation, all the while just thankful you have somewhere to be other than on the floor of your livingroom.  Don’t get me wrong I love love love playing one on one with my children! I love that I have the opportunity to be home with them but I am also aware that God created us to be in relationship.  With Him and with others. 

I watched the mothers take turns nursing their young and the other mothers without being asked assumed the roll of keeping one eye on their fellow mothers child while they attend to the needs of another.  Loved watching how we all took turns holding babies, catching toddlers at the bottom of a slide, offered our spotting hand and proud words of encouragement as they climbed ladders in their sock feet.  The mothers instructed their children and the children of our group to share and take turns and praised the children’s kindness and noticed how they were practicing patience.  Today was a lot of work.  The mothers didn’t sip coffee, look at their phones or read a book.  We were side by side this morning, living life together.  We learn from each others successes and failures.

Titus 2: 3-5 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to  much wine they are to teach what is good and so train the young women to love their husbands and children to be self controlled, pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reveled.

THIS is why I love being with others.  I love being reminded that the stages of parenting different ages of children are all hard they just have their different challenges but in the end everyone is in it together.  I love the broken conversations I have with the mothers God places in my life in that moment. I love the opportunity for my children to interact with others that aren’t their siblings.  I loved watching Micah have an opportunity to practice his gift of compassion by trying to include 2 year old Ethan and Gavin. Micah helped them problem solve, Micah helped them take turns, showed them how to work together. He modeled peace for them.   I could see his eyes smile as he would hold their hands and talk to them and help to lead them.  Micah grew in his God given gift today.  And, so did I.  I realize that its not easy for others to invite or plan something.  I love doing this.  At times I’m not a respecter of persons, I don’t only choose those I’m really close to I really see it as a ministry and trust that who ever comes is who God had planned to come that day. 

Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship. Created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 

I wish everyone would do this more.  I wish mothers of young children would understand how much they NEED to be in relationship with other mothers.  For themselves but also for others… 

Psalm 115:14-15 May the LORD make you increase, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

I could go on but my Little Ethan needs me J

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