Thursday, January 22, 2015


January 22, 2015

Stop simply surviving and start Thriving

I’m coming to the realization that just as I am changing so are my children.  At 8, 5, and 2 ½ they no longer need me to actually survive, now they need me to THRIVE.  They know how to find something to eat, get a stool and a cup to get water from the fridge 2 of the three can dress them selves, and potty alone.  So while they don’t need me as much to care for their physical needs so they can survive my role is switching. 

I want them to not be people who simply survive in this world but individuals who will thrive.  Im not asking they become some crazy independent leader that solo can change the world I’m praying that they learn how to Thrive by being a follower.  Not a follower of bad world views but first a follower of Christ…  a true discipleHe will call them to be leaders but not because they feel overwhelmed but because they are in him who is the vine they are the branches apart from Him they can do nothing. 

My boys are becoming independent but they do still need my presense now more than ever.  Just as I need my heavenly father to guide and lead my every step. I read today Lisa Turkurst one good descision leads to another good choice, then to another good choice eventually leading to victory.

If I want God to give me a victorious life on every level I must depend on Him to thrive.  If I try to survive on my own I will not thrive. I will not thrive.  I will simply survive.  That’s not living a life God has planned one of abundant overwhelming love, that is filled with all the fruits of a tree planted by Gods never giving up never running out river.  On my own I will die, wither, feel stale, not have any wisdom to offer, no encouragement. Everything good and perfect is from the Lord. I must seek him in all situations for me and for my children. 

Its time to stop simply surviving and to truly begin to thrive.  

Psalm 78:15 He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas-  God works all things for his Good.  When I’m at a hard spot I can be thankful for that rock.  God will spilt the rock wide open my desert place will no longer be dry.  His water is as abundant as the seas…HUGE, seas give power, a place for animals to live, thrive and grow, water for plants, and people, transportation to new lands….Thankyou God for the Rocks you WILL SPILT WIDE OPEN that will transform into abundant seas!  Help me not to be someone gasping for air, nearly drowning in this life that I live but let me rise above the waves, ride the waves, float where you take me, trusting that while the seas are changing the one who controls the changing waters is always constant.  Please keep me Lord.  Please Hold Me Lord. Please teach me how to THRIVE and not just survive.

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