Friday, January 23, 2015

The Truth about Field Trip Fridays

January 23, 2015

Field Trip Friday

Field Trip Friday began when I had Mason home as a preschooler. I would take him somewhere; the library, Fire Station, a restaurant, a friends house, the zoo, a museum, a park…anywhere, and we would try to have someone join us.

Today Micah Ethan and I met up with Peyton, Cruz and Lara and carpooled to ride the train to Imaginon.  We’ve taken many “field trips” together over the years and Lara and I have been friends since before any of our pregnancies.  Being pregnant at the same time has allowed our kids to always have someone their own age to be friends with (dosent hurt that I like Lara too) Love how God cares enough for us to give us people in our lives who are experiencing the same stage of life so we can have encouragement or be an encouragement.  Sometimes we don’t even realize who those people may be until we stop and think…Lord, please help me to be aware of those in my life you want me to encourage. Likewise, please allow me to allow others to get close enough so that they can be an encouragement.   

Crazy to think of how much I would be missing if I didn’t have relationships.  We need people in our lives to point us to Christ, to give us an opportunity to pray, to forgive, to learn how to love and be loved.  People to laugh with, people to discover new things with and people to talk to when your life is mostly centered around little people, that’s the main reason moms plan playdates- so they have someone to talk to!

Sad to think that our kid playdates are on their last leg. Now we will more likely swap kids or meet up less often.  Again, something else that’s changing.  Lara and I have different emotions.  I am sad, left longing for these years with young children in the home to fill my days.  She, is excited, relieved. 

For me, being a “mommy”  of little kids is what I have always dreamed of and honestly, I really love being a mommy of young children.  I never really gave much thought to what it means to be a mother to older children.  Or even ever imagined my life as a mom to an older child.  I am comfortable with early elementary and preschoolers. I feel like I’m naturally good at make believe, silly songs, crafts and reading books out loud.  I really want to freeze this moment in life with our little young family, where a fun time by all consists of drawing the curtains, grabbing some flashlights and watching our shadows come alive.  This is fun for me, this is rewarding and a life that I love.  How can I keep this family tight? How can I stay in close relationship with my children? What if I’m no good at being a mom to older children.   I know fear is irrational and that God will give me wisdom but still it’s what goes on in my head.

I’m Not sure what my future holds but so glad and at peace to know who holds my future.  God has a plan for me.  God knows whats next.  While 3 years from now I may not have “field trip Friday” where I pack picnics, ride a train, meet daddy for lunch, talk with a friend…I know I can trust that God is going to fill up my time with His purpose for me.   I can trust that God will teach me how to be a mom to young boys and preteens.  And I am thankful that even if I don’t have an actual, physical playdate that I meet Lara at that I still plan to be in relationship with her and others like her that will encourage me and that I can encourage too.

Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Proverbs 27:5-6 Better is open rebuke than hidden love.  Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

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