Wednesday, January 28, 2015


January 28, 2015

The Faith of the Centurion- Matthew 8:5-13

The Centurion knew Jesus could work a miracle simply by saying the words.  What words does Jesus offer me that if I truly believed them would change my life?

God is Love.  God created us so that we could enter into the love relationship that already existed within the trinity.  God wants to love us he wasn’t lonely when he created us. We are the object of His Love.  Love is a verb. God has already given all of his love when he sent Jesus.  I have to accept it receive it, believe it.

Come to me all who are weary I will give you rest.  If I really believe that God will give me rest, why do I not go to Him more often?  God you are my rest when I’m surviving on my own I’m not thriving, I may be striving but in the flesh I can only get tired and weary. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. 

I am a Child of the King.  How great is the love the father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. John 3:1  I love my own children more than my self.  I desire to give them good things, provide for them, want to guide and direct them, want to be a safe place for them to succeed and fail.  My heavenly father loves me more than I could ever have felt loved by my earthly father (and whoa that’s A LOT, I sure was blessed with an awesome Earthly Father)  IF God is desiring to lavish his love on me how can I be afraid, how can I worry, I am safe in my fathers arms.

Thankyou Lord for this moment to reflect that YOU have so many words for me.  Words that can penetrate my heart and soul and forever change me.  Thankyou for the daily bread of your word, the Bible.  Continue to speak to me through scripture, my husband, my children, the world you created and others too.   I want to have the faith like the Centurion knowing that YOU have already DONE it all.  I just need to believe and trust that you are soverign, in control and able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can ask or think.  Faith can move mountians.  The faith of a tiny mustard seed.  What areas of my life do I need more faith? 

God will take care of my children.  They too are HIS creation, he loves them.  I need to pray for them, God will meet with them, he will send his angels to watch over them to protect and guard them.  Gods perfect Love casts out all fear and will surround my children every moment of the day.  They are covered with the full armor of God and will be ready to give an answer.  They have been filled with the spirit and produce fruit that will last as they remain in the vine their branches will thrive, they will see the Glory of God revealed to them!

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