Thursday, January 29, 2015

Potato Bowling Jan 29, 2015

January 29, 2015

Potato Bowling

On our weekly trip to the library we checked out a book called things to make out of cardboard.  Today Micah opened the book and found a Potato Bowling and Coin toss game. 

We searched the house for an old box, found an empty diaper box in the garage that would work perfect. So we cleaned out some trash, cut some holes in the box, selected three potatoes and “wa-la” we had a new game. 

This got me thinking.  The interesting thing about this game is the potatoes no matter how you roll them they aren’t perfectly round so you don’t get the same result and even at the last second they can change their course.  So it is with us.  We can follow our routine, do the right thing, but sometimes things just don’t work the way we were hoping or that they had worked in the past.  What do we do when things don’t go our way? Do we give up, call it quits, or keep trying?  Micah kept trying.  He ended up beating me 260-180!  I was trying too hard to find a technique or strategy that would work…there isn’t one.  Just kinda luck. 

I am so thankful that in life with God walking beside me that I can hold fast to Deut. 31:8  The Lord himself goes before you, he will never leave you, he will always be with you, do not fear, do not be afraid.  The Lord is my shepherd.  He will teach me the right way, he will protect me, and lead me.  I can strive all I want to on my own but my efforts will produce nothing.  Let me roll with Him.  Trusting Him.  That even if I don’t end up where I was planning to be or hoping too, that His plan is best.  His way is good.  And that He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it.

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