Tuesday, January 27, 2015


January 27, 2015


Micah has been asking for weeks, maybe months now for us to build a fire.  I always have some excuse.  Its too hot out, its too cold, it just rained, we wont have time today…well today was the day to put the excuses behind us and go ahead and build a little campfire (plus I have been wanting to collect the sticks in the front yard)  We filled the wagon, had no marshmallows, no roasting stick the whole family wasn’t gathered around ready to sing campfire songs…just me, Micah and Ethan and some old sticks that had been lying in the front yard.  

Its been a while since I started a fire I began with some leaves and small sticks I remember that much from when my dad taught me.  Micah was quick to tell me that Papa is really good at starting fires really quick with only one match, meanwhile I’m clicking my lighter under the pile of dried leaves and small sticks dozens of times.  Eventually we get that one spark to light enough small timbers and leaves so that we can begin hearing the tiny leaves crack and burn.

My thoughts-
1.     I love doing ordinary things with my boys.  I love allowing them to be able to follow through on an idea and love to be there when we are boasting in the success of their idea working or grieving the let down of what actually happened.  How often my heavenly father would love for me to act on a thought that comes from him.  To offer help to the lady at the grocery store, to encourage the overwhelmed mom at basketball practice.  To let someone else on FB see my messy house, to share some extra chili with my neighbor, to write my grandmother a card.  Sometimes I do act and others I don’t.  My fire with Micah today encourages me to act and follow through so that I wont miss out on a memory, a smile, an opportunity for someone to feel successful or be encouraged when they feel like they may be failing. 
James 3:5  The tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boast. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.  God, What fire are you trying to start with my words or actions? 
2.     Fire comes and goes.  The fire this time was hard for me to start because it had been awhile.  If tomorrow I set to start the same fire, I would have results much quicker.  The more time you invest the easier and quicker it is to see results.  James 4:6 God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.  Even though I once felt more “on fire” with God.  His grace for me is enough, never ending, never running out, chasing me down, eager to set my heart ablaze again. 
3.     Old sticks are good for something.   Once providing shade in the summer these dead branches are now on the ground for me to trip over.  If you don’t prune your tree, the branches will fall and you may fall, or have to clean up when you weren’t planning to.  God will take what is old, worn out, used up, forgotten, useless and turn it into the fuel that is needed for a fire.  The wet  new wood smoked a lot, was harder to light on fire.  The old, dry dead wood was easier to burn more quickly and had less smoke but more heat.  Don’t think that God is finished using you or that what you’re good at is over.  God may just be starting and the fire he will burn with you is an all-consuming fire.  Not a little candle in a window but a fire that warms, envelops, grows, spreads, is very powerful. Hebrews 12: 29 For our God is a consuming fire-  When Moses went up the mountain the Israelites thought the Glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain.  Gods glory is all consuming, How can I allow my heart to be more aware of His glory?  What can I do to enter into his Glory daily?  Pray, be thankful, be alert. 

God is with us in everyday moments.  He wants to speak, to come alive and to spark something new in each of us.   When I came in from the campfire, I changed my clothes because I smelled like smoke.  Oh Lord, please allow others to be aware of you when they are with me.  When I come away from time spent with you may others feel warm, may my aroma be a sweet smell, my words a sweet sound and may you continue to burn inside with passion, boldness as the Holy Spirit comes alive in me.

Acts 2:2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.  They were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit Come

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