Friday, September 18, 2009


FINALLY I remembered to tell Chris that Mason has been asking for months to ride this tractor!! Its been in our garage since we moved in like 5 years ago. It used to be Chris' when he was a little boy and the peddels were off of it so the tractor had just become something to take up some space and become a nice little home for spiders in the corner of our small garage!
The guys took a "boys trip" to Home Depot to get the correct nuts and bolts to put the peddles on the tractor and boy oh boy did Mason LOVE to help with this project! You'll see in the pictures below he has his very serious face on when Chris instructs him to find flat head screw driver!

"I know what a flat head screwdriver is, I'll be right back"

"Oh yeah, this is my new tractor, I can 'drive' it all by my self"

I think the peddles were a little hard for him at first but hes got the hang of it now! How fun for Chris to be able to fix something for Mason to play on that he himself used to play on when he was little. Now he wants to ride it all the time so when its too hot I tell him he can just ride it pretend in the garage...he loves it and feels sooo big pulling the wagon behind!
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