Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Mason has been making the "I love you sign" for awhile. I love it when we are driving in the car and he says..."hey mommy, Yook" and when I turn around he's holding the sign and smiling! It takes him a min to get it he really focuses first pointing his finger, then bringing out his thumb then lastly he holds up his little finger!... Hes is so proud that he can do this and he Loves to because he knows it will make us smile. I told him that he and I were going to take some pictures of him so we could give daddy some new photos for his desk at work for his birthday and right away he started cheesing and throwing up the I love you's all over the place! Hes soo sweet!

Last night Chris was looking at all of the pictures and he said, "Oh man, there are so many to choose from, I just don't know" (because you know I have a TON more than are posted here) Chris didn't know but Mason was just standing behind him smiling and then when he heard Chris say that he said, in a very sad voice, "Aww, Daddy doesn't like them"...to which Chris explained that he loved them all...its just so cute to watch Mason begin to understand things...like he knew he was posing for daddy's pictures and he wanted him to like them. :)

Here he is playing "peek a boo" Yesterday we were in the car, he was being very quiet looking out the window and then he said, "mommy, I'm ready for baby Micah to come out, I will teach him everything" Wow, what a challenge to Chris and I...we better get it right with Mason since hes going to pass everything he knows down to Micah! Only 6 1/2 weeks to go Mason and you can meet your little brother...hope you aren't disappointed :)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Love this! Mason is so handsome!!!