Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Boy Bed

I know, I know...Mason will be 3 December 5 and is still sleeping in his crib, which I don't think would be such a big deal if we didn't have a new baby due in 8 weeks... we've been talking about it but hes been really attached to the crib and sleeps so well for nap and bedtime so I didn't want to push it... SO FINALLY yesterday, Mason told me he wanted to sleep in his big boy bed! I had been checking out books from the library about big kid beds and we'd been talking about it and yesterday Mason wanted to take 2 vitamins and he usually only takes one...well, Chris and I discovered that we actually could be giving him 2...the bottle says children ages 2-4 up to 2 daily...so I told him that when he was a big boy and slept in his big boy bed that he could take 2 vitamins. Right away he said he wanted to sleep in his bed! I told him he could ask daddy when he got home and see what he said. Sure enough as soon as Chris got home Mason said..."Daddy can I sleep in my big boy bed?" Chris said sure...so we disassembled the crib, and began the process!!
Mason Loved finding some stuff under his bed 3 balls, an empty coffee can that he wanted to put his money from his piggy bank in so he could shake it and let it make noise, and the bed rails. He also got out his tools and was working with daddy to take the crib apart.
Once it got moved out and we got his bed ready he said NOW CAN I GET IN MY BED? We told him we still had to take his Zyrtec, try to potty, brush teeth and get 2 stories...he said...OH YEAH, I FORGOT! Here he is picking his 2 stories.
Chris read him 2 stories, we turned on his night light and sound machine, said prayers and goodnight, then turned out the light!
He was very excited to be sleeping in his bed with ALL of his animals!

I went straight to our room to watch the monitor...he just looks soo little in that bed. He got out once right after we had closed the door and said, "Daddy, Rock Me" and Chris went in and rocked him for 30 seconds and told him he couldn't get out of the bed until his clock said 7 and Mason said okay and off to dream land he went until 7:15 this morning.

So sad that My baby boy is getting so big!
I don't know why I always stress about stuff...Mason has been so easy with the transitions of things that are typically so hard for everyone. He stopped taking his paci on his own at 7 months, he weened himself from nursing, had no trouble drinking from a cup, potty trained in 3 days and did great with his big boy bed! I know its just the first night and we haven't attempted a nap yet but...hopefully he'll do just great with that too!
Chris asked him this morning how he liked sleeping in his big boy bed and Mason responded with, "IT WAS GRREEAAT"

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1 comment:

Tracy Bisbee said...

I'm so happy to hear that the switch went well. It's so fun to see them "growing" up!!