Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Haynes Family Comes for Labor Day Weekend!!


They arrived in Charlotte around 4:00...we wasted no time to let the fun begin but maybe we wasted a little time because by the time we made it to the pool it was SOOO cold, but the kids didnt care...I was thankful that I "had to take pictures" so I couldnt get into that ice cold water!

Nicholas took the first plunge down the slide

I'm so sad this is one of the last times Mason will get to play in the pool this year.

Mary Kaylin was waiting for daddy to get in the COLD kid pool

"You stand Right here, close to the edge Daddy... 1, 2, 3...
WHOA...that was a yotta, yotta splashes hunh? Did you see dat?"

Making Rice Crispy Treats...YUMMMY...of course Mason found a way to lick the bowl of hardened marshmallows.


started with the boys making a trip to the Home Depot Workshop while us girls stayed behind to pack lunches and get ready for a train ride and picnic uptown at ImaginOn

They each made a little corn hole game...gotta love the free little workshops!

The train ride was very exciting for Mason...I thought it was fun too!

Pool Time AGAIN...we went back to the pool after nap time to play some more! After the pool we came home for some Elmo Splash Mat time in the back yard while the guys grilled and played some boccie ball!

Open Wide!!

This kid LOVES some sweets!

Yummy Ice Cream!!

The whole Family!

Silly Faces

Grandmaw and Papa Joined us


Awww...cute buddies


We started the day with some sing a long time and instruments in the living room, then dressed and went to eat lunch at Don Pedros, did some shopping (the guys took the boys to Best Buy and the girls went to Marshall's :) We came home and after nap time played a little then had some pizza!
No Haynes trip would be complete without a pizza party (Good Idea Kristel to add some balloons)...and this one was even better because we had a homemade cake from Linda...YUMMY
I was able to squeeezzee in some MORE time with my new camera!!

Peek-a-boo Mary Kaylin

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! SO BIG climbing all by himself!
This is a great capture of the Kids and Grand kids!
and the grand kids are all expressing their little personalities!

MamMaw bought some finger paints for the kiddos so we let the try it out

Mary Kaylin finger painting
Nicholas and Mason painting...thanks MamMaw for the paints!

Time to say goodbye...I always hate the last day of a trip because everyone is so focused on leaving and packing and what they have to do next...but it was kinda fun just having some playtime with the cousins in the bonus room while everyone else loaded the van. The rest of the day Chris still had off work so we were able to still have some more family time. The next morning when Mason woke up he said, "where is everybody?" And all week long he kept asking where everyone was and wanted to pray for Poppie and Mamaw, then MamMaw and Nicholas, then he proceeded through everyone in his prayer time. We miss everyone and wish they lived closer but we are thankful for the times we do get to spend with them...and the next time we see them baby Micah will be joining the family...on the outside world.
Thanks everyone for making the trip! We had so much fun!

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