Friday, September 18, 2009


Earlier this week Kristel called to tell me about how Mary Kaylin ran into the wall and they ended up at the emergency room. Thank goodness she was okay and that night Chris and I were talking about how Mason had really not had anything, other than his allergy reactions that was too scary for us....WELL....Today after Mason finished eating his breakfast he was standing up in his booster seat at the table, I was reaching out my hand to help him step down and..."SLIP" he fell backward right onto our tile floor catching himself with his head! I knew it was going to be bad when I heard the thump but there were a few seconds before I heard the cry...the fall took his breath away and mine too! The first words out of his mouth were, "I want Daddy" As if I was the one that pushed him out of his seat or something...not really, I think its because I've not been picking him up and holding him as much lately because Micah is getting REALLY big....Right away there was a lump which I knew was a good sign but since I have the pediatricians telephone number programed in my phone I decided to just give them a ring. They asked if it was smaller than an inch and my best guess was that it was a little over 2 inches close to the size of a golf ball and sticking out that far too so they said they wanted to see him and give his body a good check to make sure everything was normal. So off we went and I've discovered with Mason he has this coping strategy he uses when hes in pain he kinda "laugh crys" Its as if he wants so bad to be brave and tough so he forces a laugh vs a cry and he says, "see, I'm laughing, not crying" I told him it was okay if he wanted to cry he could but he just held onto baby baby and was talking up a storm.
The doc said he was fine and his knot measured in at 2 1/4 inches x 2 1/4 inches...his first REAL boo boo. We came home and sat on the couch together and watched TV all afternoon (which he loved since he only watches a little in the mornings when he first wakes up) plus the TV was the only way I could get him to agree to let me put Ice on it. So far hes acting pretty normal but he isnt wanting to walk ANYWHERE, he just wants me to carry him...I told him his boo boo was on his head not his feet but he said it still hurts to walk so I'm enjoying giving him the extra cuddle time since hes never been a suggle bug...Thankfully when it was nap time I showed him how he could lay on his tummy like daddy dog and I turned daddy dogs head toward his and Mason fell right to sleep...hes still sleeping now but hes been stirring some so I feel like hes okay...BUT this has made me so thankful that we've not had too many injuries in his life so far...I'm sure there will be many more to come but I sure don't like to see him so sad I'd much rather see him like he is in these pictures below!

After doing some finger painting earlier this week Mason asked if he could take a bath in the sink like Mary Kaylin did after she finger painted. At first I was thinking..."UGGGHH, will he even fit? I'm going to have to clean the sink first before I let him get in and then what if he dosent even want to get in...." But he said, "Mommy, this would be so fun for me to take a bath in the sink, I'll get all clean and wash all this paint off it will be a special day" I decided that he was right!...Life it too short for me to feel hassled about my son asking to take a bath, wanting to do something fun. And he loved every second of it! He got to use the sprayer, the sponge (dont worry it was a new sponge) and when he was all done he grabbed my cheeks and said, "thanks mommy for yetting me take a bath in the sink" melted my heart! Who knew something as simple as taking a bath in the kitchen sink could be so much fun for a little boy.
Still in this post titled "Life" thought I'd include a picture of the roses that Chris and Mason got for me for my 30th birthday! I had such a great day and I love getting older! I love the fact that I love where God has placed me, I love who I've become and who I'm becoming as a wife and mother, It feels good to feel good about myself, I feel so blessed to have such awesome people in my life (family and friends) I love that I feel like I'm right where God wants me, I dont have any wishes to be anywhere else, or to be anyone else and the best part is that I'm just now 30! My life is just getting started! I dont know what else God has planned for me in this life but whatever it is I'm excited!

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