Monday, January 9, 2017

The Hospital

January 4 2017

New Year New Knee for my dad or "Papa" to my boys.  The night before his surgery we were very intentional as a family to hold hands and pray that God would go before our Papa and provide him with the right nurses and give Papa peace.  We also prayed God would guide the surgeons hands and that he would have a speedy recovery.

Wednesday after school the boys asked hows he doing....I told them he was out of surgery and that we could go visit but first we made a stop by the dollar store to pick out a "get well" balloon and then  we stopped in Treats next door for some speciality popcorn that he could snack on while watching movies as he recovered from his surgery.  

On the way to the hospital I told the boys that when I visit someone who's sick or check on them I like to think of a scripture or encouraging word I could share.  They thought for a moment- Ethan responded with his verse from Decembers Art Studio at church "God Loved the World So much that he sent his son" John 3:16 - We discussed how this could apply- when sin entered the world with it came sadness and sickness which is why Jesus needed to come to rescue us, to save us...we now have the hope of heaven and joy to know that one day we will never have to be in pain or suffer.

Micah said- "hmmm maybe a verse about not being afraid?"  

Mason responded- "Don't fear" Isaiah 41:10 (this is a verse we've given them at night if they are afraid when going to sleep)

I jumped in "Isaiah 41:10 Do not be afraid, I am with you, I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"- We discussed how that Papa could be afraid, not knowing how long his pain would last, how his new knee would feel, would he ever be able to go sailing again...but that we know the promise is that God is with us....because we live in a fallen world along with that comes fear BUT God will always be with us and go before us and hold even when Papa wonders if he can stand or trust his new knee to walk ...he could cling to the promise that God is holding him, strengthening him.  

Once we arrived at the hospital we waited with Grandmaw from about 3:45-5:00 then FINALLY they had an available room.

We visited with Papa for about an hour and discovered that God had answered our prayers and 
"gone before Papa to give him the right nurses"  he lined up a nurse for Papa that went to Jason and Kristel's church - just a sweet reminder of peace and that God is in control right before he went into surgery. And one of his nurses post surgery was one they had met just a few weeks earlier who cared for Maw Maw who is recovering from a broken femur. 

Then the boys shared their scriptures and I explained our conversation on the way up then Ethan prayed a simple prayer- "Thankyou God for this day, Thankyou for Papa, Heal him from his surgery. Amen"

We then took Grandmaw out to dinner and I heard the boys discussing on the way to the restaurant "I know we'd rather go to Wendy's but we are here for Grandmaw, and whatever she wants to eat or wherever she wants to go will be fine with us because she's going through a lot too" 

They ended up having a full afternoon of service. This day wasn't about them, they wanted to dig into the specialty popcorn, but didn't. They never complained about waiting in the waiting room, they were happy to see papa and glad for the opportunity to provide some company to Grandmaw.  And as a bonus they actually ended up loving grandmas restaurant choice!

Papas road to recovery hasn't been an easy one so we decided to pay him an extra visit.  Before we left I asked Mason if he'd like to take some of the cookies he baked from scratch all on his own, no help from me...(which took him about 2 hours to complete) I was expecting him to load up 4 cookies, 2 for each of them-(kinda what I was thinking) I was shocked by Masons generosity...he loaded the ziplock back I handed him as full as he could get it.

Sometimes I dread taking my kids to serious places or putting them in situations that are uncomfortable for even me at times for fear that it is going to bring on whining and complaining that will in turn embarrass me...but I AM SO THANKFUL they were with me.  I could tell by their faces and the feel of the Holy Spirit right there in the room that they knew that something wasn't about them and they loved it.   They loved that just by being themselves they were being a blessing.  They were given an opportunity to serve and felt full because of it. 

Mark 10:45 For Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Lord, my our family continue to seize opportunities to serve and give moments of or time, energy, creations...ourselves away for the sake of the kingdom.

Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. A good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be given to you, poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 

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