Monday, January 9, 2017

Snow Angels

January 7 2016, we were expecting to wake up to 6-8 inches of snow- instead we had some ice and maybe  1/2 inch of snow.  I thought they were going to be so disappointed and want to just stay inside and watch movies. BUT, the boys were thankful for something new to explore in.  We all bundled up and I helped them configure their DIY snow boots- you know, a pair of tall socks, a wal-mart bag followed by another pair of tall socks before putting on your old shoes.

While we were outside it started snowing again.

I loved watching Micah try to catch the snowflakes in his mouth and Ethan copy everything his big brother did. The two of them discovered that this light snow was perfect for making snow angels in the street.  Ethan made his face down- he was trying to actually SEE the angel below the snow. I smiled and thought of how all of the time we are surrounded by Gods presence and have angels guarding, fighting and protecting us, but I am guilty of simply not looking. Not noticing. Not seeing God in all things.

This reminds me of the story in 2 Kings 6: 8-17 when Elisha traps the blinded Arameans.  vs. 16-17 "Don't be afraid, the prophet answered. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.  And Elisha prayed, O Lord open his eyes so he may see.  Then the Lord opened the servants eyes, and he looked ad saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Lord, may I never forget to ask you to open my eyes, I am not alone, give me boldness to trust the truth that you are fighting a bigger battle, there is greater strength in the unseen reality of the hosts of heaven then the visible reality of my circumstances.  Especially in the EVERYDAY MOMENTS- I know you want to speak to me.

May I not be disappointed in not receiving what I was expecting to receive and trust that you may be wanting me to experience something different.

Had it snowed 8 inches the snow angels wouldn't have looked the same.  Who knows if we would have even tried to make any?

Today I am thankful for ice snow to explore in and little boys who make snow angels face down to the pavement trying to actually see the angels below.

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