Saturday, August 8, 2009


Having the opportunity to be pregnant for a second time has been wonderful!! I wanted to just have a short blog in here with some pics of my growing baby boy that we have named Micah Christopher Haynes. Choosing a name is always so tough, just deciding what your child will be called for the rest of his life...hope he likes it :) Last night we took a trip as a family to Babies R Us to register for somethings we know we are going to need for Micah...its really the best way for me to create a list of some things I want and that way if someone asks then I can just tell them I have a registry. We knew Mason would be SOOO Bord in the store so we brought along his head phones and portable DVD player and he Had a blast watching his movie while we searched the shelves and got excited all over again looking at all of the new baby stuff! We are going to give him a monkey themed room. We don't have it all finalized yet but the plan is to paint the walls a light sage green color and use brown green and blue to accent the room. And we figure Papa can paint some monkeys or palm tree or something on the walls! I think it will be super cute plus, I'm imagining my life is gonna feel like a zoo sometimes with two boys running around, so might as well get used to it! Here I am, this week marks my 26th week of pregnancy number 2!...I feel much bigger this time around but I don't think I really am I think I just forgot how big I was last time! That's okay, its so much fun and just last week Mason actually was able to feel Micah kick...he was soo excited but now he thinks every time he puts his hand on my tummy that he feels him kick! Mason also likes to put his hands on his hips and bulge his belly out to touch mine (I've gotta get a picture of us doing that its really cute) And he will randomly come up and give Micah kisses and ask him what hes doing and tell him he loves him...I think Mason is going to slip into his big brother roll just fine! Micah is very active, just like Mason was, in fact I really don't notice there being that much difference...the only thing so far that has been different with the pregnancies is that I was pretty sick at the beginning with Micah and it took me longer to really feel him moving around, but once he started moving he's not stopped! 26 Weeks
20 Weeks
This was when Chris and I took our trip to San Francisco...I was 16 weeks pregnant for this trip and I could really feel it!! I'm so glad we did this, I love taking trips with Chris!
15 Weeks...what you cant see is Mason really wanting me to hold him and be in this picture :)
10 weeks...already budging out! I felt bloated before we even had a confirmed pregnancy.

1 comment:

Corrie said...

i didn't even know you were pregnant! congrats! that's awesome! thanks for the comment on my blog. i use a canon 5d body and a couple different lenses (wide angle and a portrait mostly). i also do some post processing using photoshop elements but just a little to brighten things up...