Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day with Daddy

This picture is of Masons "Babies" The one on the Left is "Baby Baby" and the one on the Right is "Momma Baby"...this week he added a new member to his little make believe family "Daddy Dog" its a long stuffed dog that he got for valentines day from Poppy and Mammaw...I guess one day he reailzed that "Baby Baby" needed a daddy too!...Its really precious to here him pretend with them...he changes his voice for all of them and loves to have the "momma" and "daddy" take care of the "baby"...and sometimes he wants us to pretend we are the charachters so that he, as Mason, can do the nurturing...I guess hes practicing for when Micah gets here.

Chris took Friday off of work...its the first time EVER for no reason that he decided to take a day! One of the library books Mason has right now is called "Day Out With Daddy" its a cute little book and the son and the daddy go and do fun things of them is eating donuts....Well, We were all so excited about Chris' day off and Mason and Chris started their day leaving the house in PJ's to pick up donuts...we didnt realize that this was the first time that Mason had ever had a donut! Not because we are against him eating them, just because we dont ever buy them. Chris let Mason pick his out and it was chocolate covered with sprinkles on top or as Mason says, "Shrinkles". Then we took a trip to Home Depot (Mason LOVES that place...well, he loves riding the tractors (lawn mowers) and looking at all of the drills and other tools) Then we went to Best Buy where Mason and Chris played the guitar hero drums while I looked at cameras. Mason asked if we could go to Chick Fila and Chris said, "Sure" so we ate lunch out, came home napped. Then Mason helped Chris mow the yard. (he pushes the spreader around while Chris uses the lawn mower) Mason asks me like every other day if he can mow the grass...I want to remember this question he poses to me in about 10 years when hes actually old enough to HAVE to mow the grass!...Over all the day was SOOO wonderful... I know Mason had a great time and I know Chris had a great time...but there was a moment in the day when I had to fight some tears as I watched Mason look up at his daddy with an awe and wonder of this man he is so lucky to call Daddy. I'm so in love with this little family we have and I cant wait to meet our new addition in only 12 weeks!! How is it possible to be blessed this much??

1 comment:

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

What a fun day! He's so adorable. I can't wait to meet your new addition either! :)