Saturday, August 1, 2009


I was feeling some freedom that I could leave our little boy for a little while to start making dinner...he told me he was making a train and when I came around the corner heres what he had made!

He said, "Yook Mommy I found all my cars and truks and yined them up and now they are a really big yike it dont you?...CHUGGA CHUGGA CHOO CHOO...ALLL ABOARD!!"
Me- "Of course I like it...I love it"

No Shorts...but I really think that was KEY to him "knowing" when he needed to go!

I'm still in shock at the fact that Mason and I just decided on Monday to give the potty training a try and here it is Sat morning and I really feel like hes "got it" I know that I am to expect some accidents if he gets excited or is in the middle of playing but he tells me when he needs to poop and pee and he makes it to the potty and we've even been wearing shorts the past two days. His little sticker book is really filling up but sometimes he doesnt even care about getting a sticker he just is proud of himself and wants to go back to playing...Hes soo big I cannot believe it! Yesterday we made a venture to BiLo and he went right before we left the house I showed him as soon as we got there that BiLo had a bathroom too if he needed to go and he looked at me and said with his head to the side and wearing a little grin, "Mommy, I just went remember, did you forget?" Last night he woke up again to go pee and then it was right back to bed and yesterday morning he woke up with a dry diaper and I was freaking out because he said he didnt need to go but I put some blankets down and decided to trust him and an hour and 1/2 later he said I need to go peepee now...I was releived and amazed that he could hold it so long...maybe road trips to KY wont have as many stops as I was expecting!! :)
Since we've been in the house alot this week we've had the opportunity to play and Mason has been loving to sing and destory the bonus room!! Mason got this microphone from Joya when we helped her move into her new place and he loves singing in it! The second video of him dancing is really toned down to how he actually dances to the truck music.

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