Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Its going well!!

So far the potty training is going really well! And Mason is very proud of himself! He is really starting to know that "feeling" that its coming! I started out asking him to go but he would say, I'll tell you when I need to go...I remind him but for the most part he says, "Its coming, we better hurry" We have sat on the potty 3 times now to try to poop, he hasn't given me much grief about sitting there I read him a story and he says..."well, thanks for trying I dont have any poopy right now, maybe later." I love his responses to situations, they are all so grown up sounding....just the other day he was playing with some sunglasses while we were waiting to check out and he couldn't get them back on the shelf and he said, "UGGH, I'M FRUSTRATED"...what 2 yr old says that? :)...sorry about the rabbit trail there... My biggest shocker with potty training so far is that I wasn't prepared for him to already, only in day 2, to be asking me to get him out of his crib to go potty. During nap time he said, "MOMMY, I NEED TO PEE PEE" So I went in got him out and sure enough he went on the potty then was able to fall asleep about 20 mins later. Then bedtime again (But this wasn't as fun). He goes to bed at 8 so at 830 he calls out "MOMMY, MOMMY I NEED TO GO" I went in and cant believe the words that came out of my mouth..."you have a diaper on do you just want to go in your diaper?" What was I thinking? Thankfully he said no I need to use the potty...SO he did, washed his hands and put his sticker in his book then again at 145...same thing Crying MOMMY, I went in and he said, I need to go pee there we went again and he was right back to sleep. I'm hoping that he wont need to go as often in the middle of the night?? What else can I do but get up and get him out of the crib...I guess hes getting so big I need to move him to the big boy bed so he can just get out by himself...I know you're probably reading and thinking..."what, hes 2 1/2 and still in the crib??" But he loves that thing and he such a good sleeper I've not wanted to mess it up...I'm thinking maybe we will make that big transition mid September. Its so sad that he's growing up so fast! In a span of 3 months he will seem to transition from Toddler to Big boy! :( But I'm proud of him, I am hoping today we will have some success with poop on the potty. All day yesterday, other than nap and bed he was bottomless, I think that's whats helped him to know he needs to go so quickly and if he barely starts to go its like one or two drops...much less of a hassle then changing his clothes all day...I think I'll keep this bottomless routine up for the rest of the week and add shorts with no under ware next week and the week after that add some underwear...We aren't going anywhere, just staying around the house, I thought I was going to go crazy but Mason and I have been spending some quality time together so its been fun to just make the days all about him and its also sad because I know that our lives are going to change so much come mid November when Baby Micah arrives...its going to be a fun change but none the less a change that we will all have to adjust to!

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