Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Little Ceasers was having a training day before their opening and we got an invitation to get free pizza!! Well, really the only time Mason has pizza is at a party or even an at home Pizza Party, like we have in KY...so he said I neeed a party hat and balloons...so Chris made him this hat and I blew up a balloon...wala...pizza party!! Here he is checking out the balloon...he wants to play volley ball with it after his pizza is all gone in his tummy...he ate 1 and half pieces and was nervous that there wasnt going to be enough for him to have as much as he wanted.
One of Masons new things is loving to Pretend Drive! But here is is "REALLY DRIVING WITH DADDY" through the neighborhood...he thought he was BIG STUFF!! and in reality he really is getting to be "big" :(
First time Flying a kite with Daddy!!

I feel like we've done so many new things in the life of Mason the past couple of days... hes had a lot of firsts! Unfortunately the first new thing has been him being really a bit difficult. The main thing that gets him upset is getting his diaper changed and going somewhere new or leaving once we are there. Mason is typically a very easy boy that is extremely corroborative but hes been testing us and whining and crying...just being very emotional...he cried over the fact there was only one egg left in the egg carton???

The second first was his first time going to Chucky Cheese or as he calls it "Chucky Cheeseits" It was Benjamin's 3rd birthday party place. Mason loved the token money, the band up front and unlike most of the other kids he wanted to follow the Chucky Cheese Mouse everywhere! But of course his favorite part was the cupcakes!

The third first was him waking after being asleep for about an hour and half with the most horrible scared scream that you've ever heard...Chris ran up to his room and Mason said, "I'm scared of the dark daddy!"...how pitiful is that and of course when you need a nightlight you don't have one. Well, he opened Masons door and turned the light in the next room on and that worked for about another hour then it happened again!...Scream, we go in and again, "I am afraid of the dark"...plus he had somehow leaked through or should I say past his diaper, his pj pants were wet and his diaper was dry???...he was sooo upset. So Chris told him he was going to go get him a night light and Mason said okay but then he got so scared for Chris to leave so long story short the whole family took at 10 pm ride to Harris Teeter in search of a night light! We plugged it in and it worked like a charm...he slept just fine all night!

The fourth first was him getting to fly a kite. He saw a kite in one of his little people lift the flap books and he said, "maybe one day my daddy will buy a kite for me" and Chris did just that, but we've been waiting for some wind to be able to fly it. We started out in the back yard but there wasn't really enough space so we drove over to the other common area in our neighborhood and that was a great spot. Chris would get it started and Mason could do it all by himself...he loved it...I did too, there is something really fun about flying a kite!

The fifth was our journey yesterday, I was planning on going cold Turkey the 1st week of August with potty training but Mason kinda lead the way yesterday...So... Mason did a huge poop so I got a rag and washed him off and decided I should let him air out a little so I just put his shorts on without a diaper and he went to the potty 3 times without fuss!! I made him a little book out of construction paper stapled together..."Mason's Potty Sticker Book" and hes been putting stickers in it..I figured that way it would be something I could take with me when we go out. After the 2nd pee in the potty he said he wanted to wear some underwear so I said okay and he had just a tiny little dribble come out and he said...Ohhh I feel the pee pee coming out we better hurry and he finished in the potty and the next time he told me again he needed to go...He refused to go before his nap but I put a diaper on and left the underwear on over top ...well, about an hour into nap he called out, "mommy I'm going potty! I'm going potty" So I went in and he had already gone in his diaper but that pretty much ruined nap time...we got up and went downstairs where we proceeded to watch a little "i can potty" video I picked up for free at one of Marbi's Y consignment sales. Its really cheesy all it is are different clips of kids going potty and going out to play and coming in to potty I think it was made in the 80s the hair is pretty entertaining! It has several catchy songs though...my favorite..."My potty, my potty I use it everyday, I use it for my poop and pee, then I go back and play!" After the movie he was all excited about it and we were talking about getting ready to go potty and he took a drink of H2O and started going on the floor but finished in the potty he said...oops I had an accident like those kids in the video. After bath he went again with no trouble, Chris came home and he went again with no trouble he was proud to show Chris how he could do it! Then right before bed we were hearing him pass some little toots, as he calls them, and we told him he may need to go poopy and we were on the way to the potty and he pooped in his shorts...He didn't get upset about it though...Overall I feel pretty good about his first official day of no diapers...so we're off! Chris told me that Success is when preparation and opportunity meet...well, I have read lots of blogs, sites and talked to other moms about their successes and so when Mason presented the opportunity I deiced that this was it...so now I'm just praying for lots and lots of success!! Today will be day 2!

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