Saturday, July 25, 2009

GA Family Vacation

Mauch Family Vacation this year was spent in GA at Marbi and Andrews house. We've all been trying to make efforts to take a family vacation together we've been to the beach twice and we decided to go to GA and am I glad we did! We piled in their house which was plenty big to hold all of us! Mason, Chris and myself camped out down in the basement with one of the big screen TVs and the pool table and everyone else had their own rooms was great! We started the days with good breakfasts, some time playing the Wii, we made picnic lunches, ate family dinners around their big table, took walks to the farm animals at the end of the road, played in the neighborhood pool, went to Stone Mt, watched movies and most importantly just enjoyed spending time with each other. I love that we have such wonderful times when we are all together and I really love that I actually like to spend time with my family, I couldn't imagine what it would be like to dread family time.

Andrew let Mason use the water hose to spray the grass and Mason decided to turn it into playtime with the water hose! He first learned this fun game while at Papa and Grandma's house after playing in the lake we stripped him down and sprayed off all of the lake grime, He loves getting the hose!

Watch out Marbi, hes after you! "you yike the water don't you Marbi? Its just water you don't have to run away from it!"- Mason

For a little playtime for the kids we went to Alyssa's school and the church, while the adults were taking a tour I watched all the kiddos play on the playground they loved it! I kept trying to get a pic of all of them together, that's a difficult task!



Riding in Grandmaw and Papas van is THE BEST when you are a kid because you get to watch a movie...even if you're only driving 5 mins away! All the grand kids were in the van the whole weekend anywhere we went...they loved it and I think Grandmaw and Papa liked it too!!

Wrapping up the night sharing some Dippin Dots...Aunt Sheilas Treat!

To get to the top of stone Mt we took a sky lift ride, Mason thought it was like the rocket ride from Little Einsteins!

Marbi and Mason walking out on top of Stone Mt, I think it resembled the moon!

I absolutely love it when Mason wraps his arm around my neck when he gives me a hug! It feels so good plus it makes for a really great picture :)

The whole Family on top of the Mountain! Brent, Mom, Chris, Me, Sheila, Andrew, Marbi, Dad, Owen Mason and Alyssa...oh and Olivia is hiding behind Mason

Olivia slept on part of the train ride, I asked Mason if he wanted to take a nap like Olivia and he looked at me like"Are you crazy mom?" He said, "no I don't want to seep right now"

This train ride was the highlight of Masons trip to Stone Mountain!

Waiting for the train!


Stone Mt had lots of shows, here is the science show, this was a big hit with Owen, he was jumping up and down and cheering, he LOVED this part!

This was us waiting for the nature show to start...this show was crazy, Owls and Hawks were trained to fly RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD!! A little too close for comfort, especially for heads with no hair!

We ate our picnic lunch and all had a great time but Owen was a little bit nervous about the bees!

Here is a video of Masons favorite part!! The train ride!

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