Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Camping Weekend

Aunt Jackie and Uncle Jimmy have a campsite at Raccoon Holler and they invited us and mom and dad up for the weekend...I was so excited because I've really been wanting to take Mason camping. I had no idea his favorite part would be playing in their golf cart!
We set up the tent and Mason thought it was soo much fun! We had an air mattress for us and he has a little blow up ready bed too! He was very excited about sleeping in the tent!

Ahhh...its actually cool here in July!

One of my favorite parts about camping is the eating! We had some yummy food...thanks to Jackie and Jimmy! I think it tasted even better since I didn't have to cook it!
Mom and Jackie cooking inside the camper...come on is this really camping??

Masons favorite pass time...taking trips to see all of his family, taking trips to Target, the pool, KY and GA
He drove Papa around on pretend trips too!

Getting ready for bed in the tent!

SOO EXCITED about his flashlight!
It took him forever to get his shoes off because he didn't want to put his flashlight down!

The fireworks got a little loud for Mason so he wanted Chris to cover his ears
He liked them but was a little nervous ..."they are really Youd Mommy"

He would clap thinking they were over and more would start and he'd say, "make it stop mommy, its too Youd, cover my ears daddy"
The fireworks were great, they were over the little pond and they lasted a really long time and Mason was right they were loud...his little brother inside was even jumping at the loud noise!
I love fireworks!
Mason Cheeezzzin with Papa...I think Mason went up and down this slide like 45 times!

Roasting some Marshmallows

Sitting with Daddy is so much fun!

Maybe my next son will look something like me??

Mason enjoyed this slide when Chris went with him...it was an old school metal slide that was SUPER FAST!
Daddy kept him safe!
Nervous trying it alone!
Uncle Jimmy let Mason "drive" And here is a good belly shot of me at 21 weeks pregnant!
Yummy candy from the golf cart parade!

Mason would wave that little flag as hard as he could

They would throw candy...

and he'd wave it some more...I think he thought if he stopped waving they'd stop coming and throwing candy.
Mason was so nice to share candy with all of us!

Might be the hardest I have laughed in a while!
Its July 4th and we are on our way to Raccoon Holler campground to meet Jackie and Jimmy for a camping trip. This first picture is our first destination after our car ride of crazy long map quest directions and mom and dads van needing new breaks. Dad pulls into a service station to look up some numbers of places that may be open that we can go to to get new breaks and it just so happens that a man standing outside knows how to put on breaks and he only lives 15 mins away so mom and dad decide its fate and off we go to this mans house!...

At the bottom of the hill on his property is an old shop where the man explains he will need cash because he has no checking account to cash a check. Dad, Mason and Chris accompany the man as he changes the breaks on the van...

Meanwhile mom and I sit on a rusty glider and hold the mans 11 month old little girl while he fixes the van...Never would I allow a complete stranger to babysit my child but maybe this is how things work in Raccoon Holler??

She was a sweet little girl but I just couldn't stop laughing at the fact that I am on vacation, at a junk yard/house sitting on a rusty swing, holding a strangers kid while the breaks are fixed on mom and dads van...fun times!

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