Sunday, August 2, 2009

I need you Jesus

"I need you Jesus, Jesus is here, come quickly" are the words I heard Mason say last night as I was laying him back down at around 2 AM. This past week with him discovering his new found ability of going pee pee in the potty coupled with his new awareness of the dark in his room at night and thunderstorms he's been unusually fearful at night. The night light has helped and I think we need to stop going in his room in the middle of the night. Although hes waking requesting to go pee pee, the past two nights hes been too 'out of it' to actually stand and pee.

To help him be able to go to sleep Chris reminded him that Jesus never leaves him and that he's
always with him even when Mommy and Daddy leave the room...well it brought such an emotional wave of love for God and my little boy when, unprompted by me, he let go of my neck for me to lay him down and said, "I need you Jesus!" He then looked at me as I was wrapping him up in his favorite blankey and tucking him in, and said "Jesus is here, come quickly" I said, "You're right Mason, Jesus is here" he turned his head to the side, closed his eyes and went right back to sleep.
What an awesome reminder for me that sometimes I need to let go of whatever it is that I'm trying to master on my own, or whatver it is that I am afraid of or what I may want to put my trust in and instead call out to my savior "I need you Jesus, Jesus is here, come quickly"

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