Monday, August 24, 2009

Camp Meeting 2009

Balls Creek Camp Meeting Here we go AGAIN!!
Once again we gather together to this place of tradition, heat, relatives and food! This year was not as eventful seeming to me as most...I'm not sure if it was because this is the first year that Grammy isn't actually spending the night there or the fact that when I asked her if she was glad to be at camp meeting she said, "well, its not the same, I'm ready to go home" None the less we spent the afternoon there and reflected on the fact...once again...that this
"Might Be the LAST camp meeting"
Me, Grammy and Aunt Jackie sitting out on the front porch watching people walk by
A close up...she looks pretty good for 93 hunh?

Mason sure loves these two guys!
Mom in the kitchen like usual! Anytime Mason pretend calls her on the phone he tells me she cant talk cause shes cooking!
Drink Lots and lots of fluids because its always really hot!

It was raining briefly and Mason just listened and watched...then he found the pear tree and started throwing pears with some of his distant was cute they would clap for each other and take turns throwing them as high as they could...the other little boys would go way up to the limbs Masons just went about 2 feet above his head!

These trees are out for the MASSIVE roots!

When there's nothing else to play with a rock will do!
He was VERY proud of his BIG rock! I found it today when I was doing some laundry...thank goodness it wasn't a frog or something!
Mason and Chris pushed Grammy around back for potluck lunch! Kinda sad but I'm not sure if she even went into the tent this time??
The reason we go to camp meeting (also for the little lady in the back in a white top too)
ALWAYS SOO MUCH FOOD...fresh corn, lima's, green beans, fruit...some of my FAVORITES!
Sheila and Olivia chowing down!
Cheese Owen!
Papa and Chris took Mason to the shack...they told him he could pick out a prize and some ice cream but all he wanted was ice cream...I promise we allow him to eat sweets at home! This kid LOVES sweet stuff!
Mason fought trying to stay awake on the way home to keep watching his movie...he was so wiped out!
This years campmeeting really wasnt the same. I cannot put my finger on what was missing so much about it? Maybe because Alyssa, Marbi and Andrew werent there???

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