Friday, February 13, 2015

Nursing Home Valentines Day Party

Singing at the Nursing Home
February 13, 2015

I invited anyone of my facebook friends to join us today as we went to the nursing home (Lake Wylie Assisted Living). 

Micah and Ethan were so excited to go back.  They were practicing bible verses to share on the way over.

Ethan just learned to say the fruits of the spirit (thanks to the scripture songs) Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness,  Gentleness and Self Control.

Micah loves to recited Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth! And John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave is one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

We sing traditional songs like Jesus loves me, Hes got the whole World in His hands, I’ve Got the Joy, Deep and Wide, I’m in the Lords Army, This little light of mine.  And we also sing Ethans Favorite “Stop and GO” and Ha La La La (shake a friends hand…)

I love seeing the connection the elderly make with the kids.  I love watching the Elderly play the instruments and get the sense that they are actually making music!  The smiles and joy that is felt in the room is always amazing!  SO thankful for the opportunity to be Light and offer Joy to those who may be lonely.  And I love the reminder I learn from the kids that sometimes the best way to “be” joy for someone else is simply by being you!  The Joy of the Lord is my strength!  WE were made for more than ordinary lives, we were made to thrive.  Joy unspeakable, Faith unsinkable, Love unstoppable….with God anything is possible.

Valentines day was special this year we had our own homeschool preschool party at the nursing home!

Monday, February 9, 2015


February 9, 2015

Today we had lights and fans installed in Mason and Micahs bedrooms…I knew their rooms were dark before but WOW now that the light is on I can see how dark it really was. 

Before they were using the light from their double window and a lamp.  There was light you could see but now you don’t have to strain, when you’re looking for a tiny lego piece its easily found!  Or if Micah is looking for something in one of his closets he doesn’t have to use his flashlight.

God you are the Light of the World.  A city on a Hill. 

Nothing can be hidden from you.

In your presence all darkness has to flee.

Make the Haynes Family brighter.  Brighter for others.  Let our eyes clearly see those who need compassion.  Let our eyes clearly see those who need us.  Lead our lives in the Light of your love.  Let your love be our motivation, our aim.  Perfect love casts out all fear.  May we have all dark places of fear, pride, selfishness, greed and jealousy removed from us. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Memory Moment

February 6, 2015

Micah loves, loves, LOVES to tell stories and hear stories so the other night at dinner we told some true stories about the boys pulling from some of our favorite memories...Here they are

Driving around on Christmas Eve, we stopped to get a special treat.  I asked Micah (2 years old) what he was eating he said a Chocolate Bagel (really it was a chocolate donut)

Mason would struggle with horrible diaper rash and the best way for him to recover was to go diaper less.  Chris was coming down the stairs and noticed diaper less Mason had pulled up on his exosaucer and had his knees bent and Chris rushed to Masons bottom and put his hand out in just enough time to catch Masons fresh poop in his hand!

All three boys had serious melt downs at one point when I opened a granola bar for them to have as a snack only to discover it was “broke”  ….full fledge tears and snot streaming from their faces. 

Ethan’s first ice cream cone from Brusters. He was so excited to be getting a kid cone of his very own. Vanilla with Sprinkles and candy eyes.  Suddenly his smiles turned to sadness…With each lick of his cone the ice cream tasted so delicious but every time he would consume more it would disappear. I’ve never seen a kid so sad about eating ice cream!

Mason was 2 ½ and while eating gold fish on a walk counted them 1,2,3,4,5.  Watch mommy I will eat 2 now there are only 3….first math problem

Before Mason could talk he was trying to get a ball through the little tikes basket ball goal…I proceeded to tell him it was too big, he let the air out of the beach ball to make it smaller, so it could fit!

After dinner one night we were allowing the boys to split the last cookie.  Micah tore the cookie in half, carefully examined the cookie and proceeded to give Mason the bigger piece.

After changing Ethans diaper one day he looked at me and smiled and said, Thankyou for changing my diaper mommy!

Micahs favorite thing to do at 5 years old is build places in the pillows that he can burrow and snuggle in and create forts and build amazing structures with the wooden building blocks.

Ethan at almost 2 ½ on his own sorted the letter magnets by color.  He loves to sing songs on the radio, and always asks first thing when he wakes up “where brothers are?”

Mason at 8 just came home with his acceptance letter into the Gifted and Talented program at school scoring 99%.  Almost Everyday after school we play a game of flag football in the front yard or a game of basketball.

When Mason was 4 I found him looking desperately through all his kid bibles, looking at the pictures, when I asked him what he was looking for he said, I just want to see Gods Face, I just need to see him, I want to see the face of Jesus!  Shortly after that he began to sing made up praise songs in his bed before he would go to sleep.  He has always been driven, and smart...Please Lord, continue to give Mason that desire to see you, to praise you, to have a personal relationship with you.

Ethan walks around saying part of a verse he learned at Bible Study- “I will never leave you” and he Loves to sing “Angel Armies”   He is always so talkative, especially in the morning.  He loves to talk about anything, really desires conversation.  Lord, please continue to hide your word in Ethans heart and let him fully know how to communicate it to others.

Micah was playing with his blocks one day and told me, “Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a hunter and tell people about Jesus”  Thankyou Lord for Micahs genuine, compassion for others, protect him from the hurt of people and hold him as he influences others for the kingdom!

Some of my favorite memories of my own childhood are as a girl playing dolls and pretending to be a mom, and using old cereal boxes and spice containers in my play house to be food that I would cook.  I know that my parents were amazing parents.  I know they were always there. But I am thankful that I had my own room, my own toys and that I was able to use my imagination and pretend to be what I have always wanted to be. A mom. 

I have memories of my dad reading the bible to me every night.  I remember laying by my mom highlighting sentences and words in her bible for her with a yellow crayon.  I can see my dad up teaching a room full of kids and feeling so proud of him.  I remember being a helper at church in the 3 year old classroom setting out the crayons, getting the snack ready for the class.  I loved using sleepy bear to help the kids remember the bible verse in Granny’s cottage. I remember praying for others and feeling Gods power move through me, knowing he was really there.  I remember writing in a journal, praying and reading as a 14 year old in my room that dad and I had rag rolled to update my furniture.  I remember thinking I was going to be a missionary, a mom, or a teacher.  

My childhood was great.  We didn’t have a lot of money.  We had faith. We had love. And I knew my parents were being lead by God, and that He was leading me too.  I never doubted if he had a purpose or a plan for me.  I only started searching even harder. Seeking Him.

What He said was. Mandy I want you to love me.  Just love me.  Oh how I remember that moment on a youth beach trip during a worship service.  God is still saying Love me, allow me to lavish my love on you.  I am love.  Apart from me you can do nothing. 

At the end of my life when people reflect on the memories they have of me or with me I hope that they all can say. Mandy was a person who loved well.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Smelling the Onion

Smelling the Onion
February 5, 2015

Micahs friend Bella Sale came over to play today.  I was using their play time to be productive and began making dinner.  When I got an onion out of the pantry Bella said…ohh I don’t like those they don’t smell good.  Then she asked to smell it.  I hadn’t began to peel it yet so it didn’t have an odor. 

She came back and said, can I smell it.  When I put it to her nose she looked puzzled…”hum… smells like nothing”, she said.

Micah was walking by putting his shoes on and saw the onion and started making a squinty eyed face, and warned Bella not to get to close or she’d get tears in her eyes.

They went outside and I began to peel the layers away, first the crunchy dead, darkened layer, then the next was a little more moist then the finial top layer revealed a new color and a really strong aroma.

Bella had experienced an onion smell before she knew what it should have smelled like, but this onion was new, hadn’t been opened, was just taken from our basket in the dark pantry. 

I love the smell of garlic and onions sautéing in a pan.

Lord may you keep me alive, peel back my layers, may others always see you, smell you, know what to expect when they see me.  Pair me with friends that will enhance who you’ve created me to be. Just like garlic and onion together.  Give my kids great friends that point them to you.

Continue to remove the dead layers.  Strip off the outer layer. 

The outer layer of an onion is there for its protection.  But the onion cant be eaten and used with that layer still on it.  Some parts of the outer layer are tricky to remove, can crumble apart and make a mess, (I actually always peel my onion over the trashcan)  The outer layer has a purpose but if we never get rid of the covering we will never get to the best part.  Don’t remain in hiding, even though it may feel like the safest place to be.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable to the opinions of others, even if they end up not liking what you are.

There is always something new to see and learn about God each new layer is amazing there is nothing he cannot do, hasn’t already done.  NO one can ever possibly know or understand everything there is to know about God.  He is deep he is wide, he covers, he uncovers, reveals, breathes life, and gives wisdom.  Oh how I long to know him more. 

Job 26
“How you have helped the powerless!
    How you have saved the arm that is feeble!
What advice you have offered to one without wisdom!
    And what great insight you have displayed!
Who has helped you utter these words?
    And whose spirit spoke from your mouth?
“The dead are in deep anguish,
    those beneath the waters and all that live in them.
The realm of the dead is naked before God;
    Destruction[a] lies uncovered.
He spreads out the northern skies over empty space;
    he suspends the earth over nothing.
He wraps up the waters in his clouds,
    yet the clouds do not burst under their weight.
He covers the face of the full moon,
    spreading his clouds over it.
He marks out the horizon on the face of the waters
    for a boundary between light and darkness.
The pillars of the heavens quake,
    aghast at his rebuke.
By his power he churned up the sea;
    by his wisdom he cut Rahab to pieces.
By his breath the skies became fair;
    his hand pierced the gliding serpent.
And these are but the outer fringe of his works;
    how faint the whisper we hear of him!
    Who then can understand the thunder of his power?”

God is just getting started with me!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Masons Speech

Speech Habit
February 4, 2015

I had been advised by Masons pediatrician to refer him to the school speech teacher  to get some tips on how to correct his minor speech delay.  He has a minor frontal lisp.  He struggles with making the “s” and “z” sounds.  He CAN totally form his mouth and teeth the proper way so that he speaks correctly he just, for whatever reason, early on, developed a delay.  Doc Smollen says that speech problems like these are no different than fine motor skill delays.  We just need to help him fix it.

The speech therapist, Karen Wright, called me and was bragging about how adorable Mason is and was commenting on how well his hair was brushed.  My response was this is exactly why I want to help him with speech.  Mason cares about his appearance, how he looks, what he wears, what people think of him…one day I fear he will be bothered by this “minor” speech delay. 

Mason is going to have to “put on his big boy pants”  He’s going to have to take ownership of this and work and practice on his own.  Trying to see the larger picture.  Sure, he can speak fine. We all understand what he is saying.  Most people don’t even notice his speech.  Its Minor.  Maybe some would say don’t worry about it, its no big deal. 

Then of course I start looking at myself.

So it is with complacency about anything in life. 

Complacency- a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self- satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, or condition

Sin entered the world and caused the fall of man.  Sin starts small but grows.  I’m not saying Masons speech problem is a sin, but that it’s a result of the fall.  God can and will help Mason correct this.  And it’s a reminder to me to not become complacent in my walk with Him.

Deut 8:1 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God who bought you out from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

Jeremiah 10:21  For the shepherds have become stupid and have not sought the LORD; Therefore they have not prospered, and all their flock is scattered.

Hebrews 6:12  So that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Matthew 22:5 but they paid no attention and went their way, one to his own farm, another to his business.
Luke 14:18 Parable of the Master inviting guests…but they all alike began to make excuses. The first one said to him, I have bought a piece of land I need to go out and look at it; please consider me excused. 

Lord, I confess that I rely on me. On my self.  I am proud. I am haughty. I feel like I’ve got things under control.

I am nothing.  There is no way I could ever repay my debt of sin.

I can not survive and produce fruit apart from you.  Please use this moment to awaken me to the truth that you are there. You have always been.  Its me who walks away, me who makes excuses, me who overlooks, me who downplays the sin saying its really not that big of a deal.  Just like Mason will have to decide to take ownership and work to correct his bad habit, please help me Lord to be aware of bad habits that may form in my life.  Remove from me the ability of becoming complacent.  May I never simply go with the motions but may I be fully present with you in every situation ready to give an answer, ready to seek you in prayer.  Alert to what may be something small in others eyes but understanding that isn’t the life you have called me to.  I trust you. Help me to really remember I need you.