Sunday, June 26, 2011

Micah Babe

Micah babe isnt feeling like much of a baby anymore! He is almost 20 months old but goes right along with whatever his big brother is doing! He asks for a plate for his food- "I pate", climbs up the ladder at the play ground to slide down the tallest slide- "eedy, et, GO!" , counts, loves hide and seek, sings some of his ABC's-its like his brain knows it he just cant get all the letters out, loves to color and draw" uses his manners- "mo mik, peas", Hates going to bed because he's afraid he's going to miss out on something, Loves to hold Pappas bird- "ROosee, I hod Rosie" (and its really so cute to watch him lean his head on his shoulder and point to his arm) Shouts my name "MAMAA" , Runs and swings his little arm as his chubby cheeks shake up and down, Loves to put on his "coks"-crocks, would rather drink from a water bottle or regular cup then a sippy,...the baby is leaving very quick from this kiddo!

Micah got this little name "Micah Babe" from Mason right after he was born, I'm sure he won't keep it forever, especially since he thinks he's soo big! But, tonight I felt like he was still a baby, a moment that is rare these days. Its totally my fault that I just spent the last 30 mins rocking a screaming crying Micah Babe to sleep, (we took him to the raptor center today and he missed his nap, loved the birds but is now over tired and screaming) but, I really didnt mind it at all! He just kept saying, "mamma, daddgee, mamma, daddgee" over and over as little tears streamed down his face, it was so pitiful but as I started to sing Jesus loves me his tears and screams slowed down he stopped saying "mamma, daddgee" and began to just sniff at every other breath but also began to really listen as I sang. I really started to think of the words as well, and found myself holding back tears too. Its amazing what just saying the name of Jesus can do for you and pondering the words: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones to him belong they are weak but He is strong! Yes, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus Loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so! As I sang and rocked Micah back and forth I found myself praying the song to Micah hoping that just as this simple song was comforting him as I held him that he could always know that he can rest and feel safe in times that he is weak, and he would trust the truth of the Bible that Jesus does love him and that Micah would always know that he is a child of God. And when you think of it, I mean really think of it, in whatever time of trouble all that really matters is that Jesus loves me and I love Him!

Micah is such a caring, tender little boy, even today Mason commented "wow, Micah sure is nice" -Mason said this after Micah had tried to share his push pop with everyone at the raptor center even the birds! Micah IS genuinely nice and kind and tender...something that God put there! I pray God will give me the wisdom to help Micah grow in this gift! And I hope that anytime in life that Micah is in need of comfort or is sad about anything that God would bring the song "Jesus Loves Me" to his mind and that he would be flooded with peace just as he was as I held him a few mins ago!

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