Thursday, June 16, 2011

its never too late

So its been almost a year since my last blog post and I find myself often thinking...I really wish I blogged or was writing this stuff down, but then I think, "OH its been too long there is too much to say" But alas, I'm gonna try this again!

And I'm not sure where to begin, I guess with this week! This has been a busy week Mason started his first VBS of the summer (as of now hes going to be attending 3) He LOVES LOVES LOVES it! Hes been telling me all about how Saul was a bad guy who put people in prison that believed in Jesus and he was blind and couldn't see but he was walking down a road and they prayed for him and the scales came off of his eyes and Jesus made his heart soft and Saul became Paul and now hes a preacher for Jesus! Its also fun because he has "friends" that are family in his group: Olivia, Ben, and Nigel! All of us moms were pregnant together and its crazy that they are all getting close to FIVE years old!!

I have been looking forward to the extra one on one time with Micah while Mason plays at VBS but Micah, who is usually the happiest baby alive, hasn't been him self...I honestly think he misses Mason...this whole time that hes had separation anxiety at church and the gym, I've been thinking its because of me...but maybe its because hes not with his brother? That kid is 19 months going on 5 yrs old, he thinks he is a big kid! We went to the pool this week with friends who have kiddos that are even older then Micah who were holding moms hand, unsure of the water or the slide or the waterfall that gets in your eyes as you slide down the slide...where was Micah? Holding my hand? NO NO NO, he was barely able to walk steadily in the pool making his way to the steps to slide down the waterfall slide just like the big kids, clapping and laughing proudly at himself that he too can "do it" I really feel like I no longer have a baby, hes official toddler material, trying to be a big kid too quick.

After dropping Mason off at VBS today I met Christy at Granite Depot to pick out some choices for our new kitchen in our new house on Woodcroft Drive!!! Talk about a tough decision!! There are so many choices and the light in the warehouse is horrible I was so thankful to have someone with me who had already done that and could kinda walk me through that, then I spent the rest of the afternoon calling places trying to get some quotes on what I had picked out! But thats nothing...Chris is really doing all of the work! We work so well together, I pick stuff out and he negotiates all the details and fine print stuff and he is really good at making decisions so that's wonderful for me! Then once we get the stuff I go back to doing my part! We close on the house JUNE 30th its going to be here SOOO SOON and along with it the work! But I am soo looking forward to it! I know its going to have its ups and downs but Chris and I are excited about having a project we are both working on together! Its so fun at night instead of us doing our own thing or watching a random nothing on TV, or surfing nothing on the computer to be thinking and planning and dreaming of plans for our new house, that we are planning on being our forever house. And today I had my first experience working with cement for a craft with the boys so if we need any cement at the new house add that to the list of things I can try to work with!

Okay...I think that was a good start at "getting back to blogging" it really is Never Too Late to record memories of your growing family...even if its only once in a while I need to check in!

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