Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lemonade For Sale!

The house has been on the market for awhile now, or to be exact, 37 days, but who's counting? We've had 6 showings, one of them today, but in efforts to draw more attention to our house we thought it may be good for us to participate in the community yard sale. Chris and I enjoy going to yard sales, drinking our coffee, taking a walk finding something you never knew you needed until you got there...BUT...we really don't like the idea of being the one who's hosting a yard sale. Going through all your stuff you don't want trying to make it appealing to someone else, getting up really early, sitting in the heat while people ask you how much money you want for something ...just seems like alot of we don't really "host" them instead we just clear out everytime we get a call that the Kidney Foundation or Inspire will be in the neighborhood, and we always try to "fill our bag for the vet" that comes in the mail or donate to Goodwill and just make our money at the end of the year when we file taxes...BUT this time I gave in, well sorta. I tried asking Patsy, Kristel or Sheila to bring some stuff over or but it didn't really work out and when Kristel mentioned the idea of letting Mason have a lemonade stand I got really excited!! He made a wonderful sign over at Papas house and I took him by the bank to let him ask for some quarters and when I told him he could sale bottles of water, cups of lemonade, and packs of crackers he knew what he wanted to price them at. One quarter for the lemonade, 2 quarters for the water and $1 for the crackers. When Chris got home last night we had the stand all ready and he and Micah practiced selling to Chris and I. I walked up and handed Mason a dollar bill and told him I wanted a bottle of water and without hesitation he took my dollar and opened his cash register and gave me 2 quarters (Chris and I just looked at each other and both were thinking..."did he really know what he was doing and what the correct change was or was that just by chance") So Chris orders next: "Okay Sir, I'll take one water and one lemonade please" Chris gave Mason his dollar and Mason returned 1 quarter back to Chris! This took us back to him playing uno with us when he was 2...he just really likes numbers- like father like son.

Mason went to bed with No trouble because he wanted to have lots of energy to run his lemonade stand! As soon as we finished breakfast Mason was dressed and started bringing his stand out to the driveway! I had like 5 items in the driveway and by the end of the day had sold 2 but Mason and Micah loved the lemonade stand! Right away, as in any business with a partner, Mason and Micah had to work out some issues: Who was going work the cash register, who was going to get the cups, who was going to use the spout to fill the cups... but once we brought out a cooler of water that Micah could push as often as he wanted instead of spilling the goods that were for sale it was pretty much smooth sailing! Business was slow at first but then it started to pick up as Mason yelled to the top of his lungs, "LEMONADE FOR SALE, NICE FRESH LEMONADE" anytime a car would drive by he'd wave and shout as loud as he could, Micah was quick to catch on as well and he began to shout too but his words weren't quite as clear as Masons :) The boys had people say they came because they heard them 8 houses down and figured this must be some good stuff! Chris and I were just sitting in our folding chairs smiling agreeing that we could not think of a better way to spend our Saturday morning!

Nicholas arrived on the scene with some more variety of things to sell! Passion Punch, Suckers, and Pirate Treasure (little bags of rocks and shells) So now we had Mason and Micah, Nicholas and Mary Kaylin and all the kids had a sucker and all the lemonade and passion punch they wanted because everyone agreed that if you work there you get everything for free :) They had lots of neighbors come by, shoppers, and even a visit from their buddy Ben! Nicholas was very excited to have Benjamin as his first "costume" (customer) Mason asked Ben to take over for him while he and Mary Kaylin went into the kitchen to mix up some more lemonade but before going in he gave Ben some detailed training! It was very cute, ...I just actually LOL as I think back on it!

The kids had fun, Mason ended up making well over $10, which he said he was going to save-again, like father like son, and I will NEVER pass up another lemonade stand EVER!

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