Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tooo Long

Okay so its been like 6 months since I've made a new blog entry...in my defense I have had just a little going on bringing a new human into the world on Halloween...but come on...6 months to get back to blogging? And really, how long does it take to enter a new post?? Shame on me, now I've missed all the entries about Micah Christopher Haynes from the story of my labor 2 weeks early with the break of my water, the delivery...all 6lbs 10oz of it, bringing Micah home, big brother Masons awesome adjustment, his first time at the gym nursery, going back to work, his first time at church nursery, how cute he was all swaddled to sleep, me stopping work, his bellybutton falling off, his first bath, his first outing, the updates on his growth from the pediatrician, his diagnosis of torticollis, his amazing grins and giggles, his recovery of torticollis, unswaddleing, finding his hands, sleeping through the night, his first foods, rolling over, finding his toes, all the similarities and differences between he and Mason... obviously the list goes on and on...there's just too much to go back and cover so...sigh...I guess I'll just have to start from here.

I love this kid so much! He has to be the happiest baby ever...really, I'm not just saying that because hes 1/2 me and I'm pretty happy all the time...he really has been laughing out loud and smiling for well over 3/4s of his life! He is such an awesome addition to make our family of 3 a more comeplete family of 4!