Thursday, June 25, 2009

7 months

Has it really been 7 months since the last blog??? Woah...when Lisa talked me into this whole blog thing I really thought this is what would happen...I'd blog for a little while then quit. Well, time to try it out again...and after reading the last post I entered I wish I would have stuck with it if for no other reason than to capture or remember some of the cute things Mason says. He's now 2 1/2 and hes growing up soo fast! Some of my favorite things he says right now are:

I can do it all by self, I want to use my secial satchua (special spatula), Did you see dat, daddys home daddys home! I love his cheese face when its time to smile for the camera, although at times it can be annoying because when he makes that face he really dosent look like himself at all! A couple of weeks ago he took off swimming "all by self" with his little learn to swim vest on, he is soo proud of if I could only get him to continually go potty he'd really have something to be proud of!

Last night we went to visit Brian and Patsy and Ben and their new little girl Sarah. Mason was so precious wanting to pray for Sarah before bed and he even told his teachers at the Y all about baby Sarah and her tiny toes and fingers. Hes so sweet and such a good little boy!

Alot has changed for our family too in the past 7 months! For starters after a journey of trying to conceive and being told there was really only about a 10% chance that I could get pregnant, and continuing to hope in the Lord...I'm now almost 20 weeks pregnant, feeling the baby move around and realizing that I am already bigger with this pregnancy! Mason is very excited about his new brother coming Nov 13. He says, we will have 3 boys! (meaning himself, daddy and his brother) We havent really had any luck settling on a name...its such a tough decision...but I guess we have a little time before we have to choose.

Okay, enough for this blog session, I need to ease my way back in! But I really do want to keep up with it...I mean I look at the picture posted here and realize that Mason is really growing up and I know one day I'm just going to wish I could go back to that moment when he wrapped his arms around my neck to give me a big hug!


Lisa Michelle Turner said...

I'm glad you're back. That is such a sweet sweet pic. of you and Mason. :)

Tracy Bisbee said...

I agree with Lisa; it's great to have you back in the blog world!