Friday, November 21, 2008

"Naateetee Set and Sistor"

I went ahead and decorated for Christmas...I know its early but we are going to KY for Thanksgiving and when we come back I'm having a little birthday Christmas Caroling party for Mason so I wanted to go ahead and get all of the decorations up! PLUS, I really love Christmas decorations I know its out of the norm and Chris really isnt fond of clutter and thats really all that Christmas decorations are...lots of red and green shiny clutter! Maybe thats why I like it so much my one time a year I'm allowed some clutter! :) So far Mason is doing really well with the tree he knows hes only supposed to touch the ornaments with one finger and aside from the occasional burst of "OOOOHHH I just gotta push this one",we havent broken any yet!

Part of the Christmas decorations is a "Little People Nativity Set", Chris' parents got it for Mason for his 1st Christmas, hard to believe that this is his 3rd. Anyway, Mason LOVES playing with it he makes the "Amils" (animals) eat food and give rides to the "Ymen" (wisemen) who are bringing "pesents" to baby Jesus. The cutest part is how he rocks the little plastic baby Jesus sitting on the hay and puts Mary and Joseph right beside him!...his Favorite part is pushing the Angel down so he can hear the music and make all of the little people dance...its very cute!

He really started getting into make believe playing with a little toy lion that he got as a gift when I found out I was having a boy...hes always loved that little lion. He has moved on from Lion and now he is loving a little handmade doll I brought home from my moms house that my grandmother made. He saw the doll laying on the floor when he woke up from nap, I was planning on putting it in the of those things you just wanna keep, but he saw it and said "AWWW, yook mommy Baby sistor"...I just started laughing...he came up with that all on his own! He took his own blanket and wrapped her up and puts her to "seep" and says "shes so cute, and pecious" for now I think its okay for him to be fond of a doll...we are leaving sister here if we leave the house but Mason makes sure she is either asleep or proped up near his toys and when he walks in the door he runs to check to see if shes "waked up" or to see if she needs to go back to "seep" I figure next week he'll have forgotten all about "sistor" just like little mister lion whos just sitting in the box with all of his other stuffed animals.


Lisa Michelle Turner said...

cute! I'm glad you blogged about it....I bet it will be fun to look back on this story :)

Jenn said...

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!!! Happy New Year!