Saturday, October 18, 2008

its been a while

Okay I realize its been a while since my last post and boy has a lot happened! Mason is now talking in 2 to three word sentences, sometimes even 5, all of the time now. Chris and I just now decided we'd better start writing stuff down that he says or we're going to forget how cute it was! We've been to the zoo, which was an absolute BLAST! His favorites were the monkeys, otters and turtles...and boy who knew there were so many various kinds of turtles?? We've had several play dates, we've been on a tractor ride, both kinds (the lawn mowers in Home Depot and a real tractor) Mason is finally understanding that the moon is not a ball in the sky and but he still says "moon, I hold moon mommy" its very hard to explain that the moon is really far away and really WAY to big for him to hold but its all still very cute! He loves singing the clean up song his version is "keep up keep up eeaebody eeh keep up" hes very proud that he can sing it too! He started eating of the only veggies that he will eat. Hes also getting really good at brushing his teeth even though they are still not all in like his friends teeth! Mason is also becoming quite the actor his new game is "baby" he wants me to hold him like a baby and he closes his eyes and whines or is just silent. Chris taught him how to make a tent with a blanket so that is a fun game and he also likes to hide in our closet sometimes with the lights off I'm glad to know hes not afraid of the dark and it works well for me because he just likes to sit in there...I wonder what hes doing sometimes but when I open the door he just smiles and says "close door mommy"...I guess everyone needs some alone time every now and then! But of all of the "new" things Mason is doing, my favorite is how he LOVES to pray. He reminds us before every meal "pay mommy, pay daddy" or sometimes if he wants to get both of us at the same time he calls us "Moddy" And I love to listen over the monitor to he and Chris pray at bed time Mason repeats the words at the end of the sentences, thank you for this day day , bless mommy mommy, bless daddy daddy, watch over me me, keep me safe safe, I love you Jesus, Amen! It is soo precious to see that even at such a young age he is beginning to understand who Jesus is. When we ask Mason where Jesus is he points to his heart...I am praying he always wants Jesus in his heart!

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