Saturday, September 27, 2008

Family Vacation at the Beach

This September we took a family vacation with Papa and Grand maw. Usually we try to go with everyone including the DiPastena's and Brent and Sheila, but every ones kids were in school so we were the only ones who could go once school was back in. We stayed at Myrtle Beach in a resort across the street from the beach the weather was perfect, Mason loved the sand and we had a great time! Papa bought a kite to fly from the grocery store

Mason sat under the tent in the shade and dug in the sand...he loved it.

This is Chris' attempt to get Mason to touch the ocean...this is about as close as we could get him.

Mason Loved riding in Papas van so he could watch movies!
Riding these cars and pushing the elevator buttons was a highlight of Masons hotel experience.
Peek a Boo
Its so cute how Mason thinks that if he just hides his face or some part of himself that he is actually hidden and we cant see him!
Yummy, Jello!

1 comment:

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

He looks SO grown up in these pics.! He also looks more and more like Chris' twin! :) I'm glad you guys had a fun vacation! We've met our high school group once at the "big event," which was basically youth church & tonight is the first night of small group! I hope it goes well :)