Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Haynes Family Visit

This Labor day weekend we were blessed to have a wonderful visit from Chris' parents and sister and brother in law and our nephew and niece! Unfortunately, there was a gas problem so we were without hot water and I have a gas stove so there was no way for me to cook as normal. What are the chances that the one weekend that they are coming in town from KY that we would be without the essentials...But, we still had a great time and I've never made so much food in a toaster oven! Mason was so excited about them coming we would point to their pictures on the fridge and he would run to the door saying "Nu, Yeah", meaning, I want them to come now! The day they were supposed to arrive I think Mason was so excited that he couldn't even take a nap and once they arrived we were on the go non stop and he loved every second!

Poor uncle "JJ" was choked by Masons little hands! What a great uncle!

Nicholas is ready to play at the park with his cousin Mason

Poppie is in heaven with all of his grand kids together!

Nicholas LOVED the big slide at the park

Mason and Nicholas just kept going up the steps and down the slide over and over, they REALLY had fun playing together this time!

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