Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chatter Box

Well, for the past 2 weeks Mason has been hit or miss with naps, one day he will sleep for 3 hours the next he will just play, jump, talk, squeal... in his crib for the whole 3 hour nap time. I'm praying its just a developmental thing vs him trying to give up his nap before hes even 2! I think its gotta be a developmental thing because the past 2 days hes been saying new words like crazy! We were walking to go up stairs and he said, "mommy couch", he wanted to go outside and said "mommy door shut" he gives Chris the ball and says "daddy up high" or "kick" yesterday we were playing outside and he found something in the wood chips and I said "come show me what you found" he walked right over and reached out his hand and said "see, Rock", we had a friend over with her new baby and he wanted her to get out of the car seat so he said "mommy help baby out"...there are too many for me to name its crazy and so much fun! But one sad thing is that now he can also say "help" so hes dropped "nu" for that verb hes still using "nu" for more and again, but its bitter sweet watching him learn to communicate more and more. My little baby is really just a full on Toddler! And despite missing the naps hes still been in a great mood! I think hes really having fun using all of his new words!


Lisa Michelle Turner said...

That's so fun! I remember how sad we were when Alyssa stopped saying "be-da" for everything! :)

Jenn said...

so sweet! Mandy, he's adorable!