Thursday, July 7, 2016

Alone Time

Alone time

Micah, my middle son really craves alone time.  He likes being with the family and playing games but one of his favorite things to do with us, even if he is 6 ½, is to snuggle and be read to.  He loves hearing stories and listening and entering in to conversation. 

This summer we have been bustling around between Carowinds, friends pools, parks, play dates…and  at night as I am tucking them in their individual beds my other two always ask without fail…”what are we doing tomorrow?” Micah on the other hand, asks with a hopeful grin below his freckled nose and raised eyebrows, “tomorrow, can just stay home?”

Micah likes to create a pretend world and doesn’t want anyone who isn’t in his imagination to be part of it.

When he starts to feel frustrated with his brothers I send him outside to play alone or take a lap around the house….he needs time to recharge, to fill up so he can function in a world full of people.

When we were on our way to Carowinds one day Micah said his favorite part of Carowinds is the car ride there and waiting in line together talking. 

He doesn’t need constant business, thrill, schedule and routine.  He thrives in loose environments, ones that aren’t competition driven and opportunities for there to be silence.  He craves one on one time alone with individual family members.

Being a student of your children is a huge task. 

My three are all so unique and God speaks to me through all of them. 

Micah reminds me that God desires for me to be still with him to slow down long enough to dream, imagine and really communicate with my creator. If I constantly make plans and fill my days I wont leave room for Gods plans, I will try to take personal ownership of Gods gifts to me and direct my course vs allowing him to be in control.   Micahs words, “can we just stay home” remind me that God is making my heart his home and I want to keep my heart soft, open, available.  Am I really allowing God to abide in me?  Am I really content to not have  a plan? Why do I shy away from deep conversations with God? What am I afraid He will say? Will I not want to respond?  If I never am alone with God I wont be able to recharge.  

Oh how God speaks to me through my children.

The hope in Micah’s eyes reminds me that God so desires for me to only want Him the most!  God thank you for pursuing me, desiring me to realize that in everyday moments that Micah sees “driving in the car on the way to somewhere, or while waiting in a line” that You desire to be with me.

James 4:7-8
Submit to God, Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.  Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts, you double- minded.

Let my mind and heart never be divided or double minded. But with full submission may I follow your lead and listen.

God was able to do some pretty amazing things in the lives of folks who were alone….being alone doesn’t have to be a negative thing or a punishment that requires separation.

Noah was alone in his obedience to follow God and God used him to save creation

Joseph was alone in the pit rejected and God elevated him to palace position.

Jonah was alone in the belly of a big Fish and God saved him and spared him to carry out his plan.

Moses was alone in the desert and God was able to speak.

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