Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentines Plan for Nursing Home

I love to have a plan, I don't always stick to it but I really function best with a plan!  Thought I should include at least one plan on the blog so that the boys can maybe remember their trips to share themselves with others. 

Valentines Day Songs
Nursing Home

IPOD: Nothing is Impossible – Musical Hearts
Pass out heart shapes On the floor- Kids dance around and find a heart to stand on when Music stops –
IPOD: Hello My Name is-continue musical hearts


G- Jesus Loves Me


G- Hes Got the Whole World

IPOD- My God is so Big

G- Its nice to get a hug from you

IPOD- They will see God-Music stops Musical Hugs

IPOD- I hear a Symphony
Pass out instruments

IPOD- Stop and Go

Play instruments soft, medium, Loud

I’m a Valentine for You Play insturments Soft, medium, Loud

I’m a teeny tiny Valentine for you
I’m always yours will you be mine a teeny tiny Valentine for you

I’m a medium size Valentine for you, Not too big and that’s just fine a medium size valentine for you

I’m a Great Big Valentine for you
I’m a great big valentine and I will love you all the time
I’m a great big valentine for you!

Counting Valentines
Sung to: “Ten Little Indians”
One red, two red, three red Valentines
Four red, five red, six red Valentines
Seven red, eight red, nine red Valentines
Ten red Valentines,
Ten red, nine red, eight red Valentines
Seven red, six red, five red Valentines
Four red three red, two red Valentines
One red Valentine.

IPOD- High and Low Dance with Instruments

Collect Instruments

Balloons- No One Higher

Parachute- You can Count on Me

Goodbye Cards and Hugs

IPOD-Bop Till You Drop

IPOD- Walking in the Light of God

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