Saturday, October 17, 2009

Anyone want to go on a worm Hunt?

Anyone wanna go on a worm hunt? Were the words I heard Joya say and then lots of kids surrounded her and her little yellow bucket, glove, and cousin Chris and dad had another type of hunt in mind...gross craw fish!!

Chris Sain is kinda weird...and these were HUGE...they found like 13 of them or something and attempted to fish with them, then Chris Sain attached some to some balloons and let them fly sad to treat little creatures that way!

Joya and the kids did successfully collect some worms and Skylar caught this HUGE catfish...but she really didn't want to get too close to it!

Olivia cute in her little pink life jacket!

Owen decided to feed the fish some leftover carrots...the Sains have trained the fish around to love their dock they always feed them...its actually kinda like being at the zoo, you drop some food in and like 20 fish fight over it!

As soon as Mason climbed up on the bench he looked at Joya and in a very serious voice said, "Its okay for me to stand up here to see the fish, I have my yife jacket on for safety" :)

Joya gave him a fishing pole and he said, "Aww, yook, its just my size" We need to get a fishing pole for this kid, he really stayed at it for a long time...I was surprised his attention span lasted that long...he would say, "Ohh...I feel somephing"...but alas, he got tired of "fishing" so Joya took over and worked her magic then at the right moment asked Mason to give it one more try...WALA!!! This time it worked! He caught at fish!

He was soo proud of his fish! I wish everyone could have been there to see his face, experience the emotion in his little body as he looked at that fish hanging from the pole that was just his size!

Then it was Owens turn...Joya worked her Magic again!

Mason loved it...He was so excited for Owen...he said, "you did it Owen!! Good Job"

I over heard Mason tell Jaxon who was tired of waiting on a fish..."its okay sometimes you just have to wait and be patient...its yots of fun to catch a fish" But Jaxon is a little older and he caught on and called Joya out on her "Magic"

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