Saturday, September 27, 2008

Feeding the Birds

Birds where are you?? I have some pop corn for you!
Maybe they area over this hill
Yeah! Birds...I love birds!
Here Mommy do you want to feed the birds too?
Satisfied birds!

Family Vacation at the Beach

This September we took a family vacation with Papa and Grand maw. Usually we try to go with everyone including the DiPastena's and Brent and Sheila, but every ones kids were in school so we were the only ones who could go once school was back in. We stayed at Myrtle Beach in a resort across the street from the beach the weather was perfect, Mason loved the sand and we had a great time! Papa bought a kite to fly from the grocery store

Mason sat under the tent in the shade and dug in the sand...he loved it.

This is Chris' attempt to get Mason to touch the ocean...this is about as close as we could get him.

Mason Loved riding in Papas van so he could watch movies!
Riding these cars and pushing the elevator buttons was a highlight of Masons hotel experience.
Peek a Boo
Its so cute how Mason thinks that if he just hides his face or some part of himself that he is actually hidden and we cant see him!
Yummy, Jello!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Who knew that $1.75 could bring so much joy to a little boys life? Grandmaw and PaPa spotted this Elmo splash mat on clearance from Wal-mart. Now that the pool is closed I was wondering what I was going to do for outside I know... "Elmo Wa-wa...yeah?" At first he just wanted me to turn the water up high then back down low who knew that watching water rise and fall could bring tears from laughing so hard to the eyes of a toddler? Then he decided to fill his bucket up and pour the water on the plants. He really likes sliding down and splashing into the center. Now my only question is: Will this count as a bath for the day?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chatter Box

Well, for the past 2 weeks Mason has been hit or miss with naps, one day he will sleep for 3 hours the next he will just play, jump, talk, squeal... in his crib for the whole 3 hour nap time. I'm praying its just a developmental thing vs him trying to give up his nap before hes even 2! I think its gotta be a developmental thing because the past 2 days hes been saying new words like crazy! We were walking to go up stairs and he said, "mommy couch", he wanted to go outside and said "mommy door shut" he gives Chris the ball and says "daddy up high" or "kick" yesterday we were playing outside and he found something in the wood chips and I said "come show me what you found" he walked right over and reached out his hand and said "see, Rock", we had a friend over with her new baby and he wanted her to get out of the car seat so he said "mommy help baby out"...there are too many for me to name its crazy and so much fun! But one sad thing is that now he can also say "help" so hes dropped "nu" for that verb hes still using "nu" for more and again, but its bitter sweet watching him learn to communicate more and more. My little baby is really just a full on Toddler! And despite missing the naps hes still been in a great mood! I think hes really having fun using all of his new words!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor day weekend with the Haynes Family

With the Haynes family all together we were ready to keep busy and make lots of memories and that's just what we did! I took so many pictures, as usual, but did not post them all even though there are lots that you will see!
Cousins and Uncles relaxing early in the morning!
Uncle "JJ" is reading the boys a story!
The Finns Family
Mary Kaylin with Daddy and Mommy
The whole Haynes Family together in Charlotte: Poppie, Mason, Mam-maw, Mary Kaylin, Nicholas, Jason, Kristel, Chris and Mandy.
Mason always wants to be just like his daddy so when Chris was leaning on Phillip Mason wanted to get up on the couch and lean on Chris...I'm so glad we caught this on film!Poppie, Mam-maw and their three grand kids!
Did Someone say "POOL"
Nicholas LOVED the pool! He was so brave going down the slide all by himself!

Mary Kaylin looked so cute in this little sundress, too bad it was all covered up by the seat belt!

Mason didn't want to let go of his uncle Jason

PLAZA FIESTAPlaza Fiesta is about 10 mins from the house and its kind of like a Spanish mall with an ethnic food court and the largest indoor playground I've ever seen! The boys had a BLAST and we adults did too!

Mason and Nicholas discovered how to say "Moneys" and their grandparents would start the rides for them!
Good thing they are both small enough to fit in them together they were able to get more for their money!
The car was Mason's FAVORITE, he pitched a fit when he had to get out of this one for Nicholas to have a turn!

Mary Kaylin liked watching all of the big kids! But I think she enjoyed being held by her Poppie the most!
Mason FLEW down this slide and he kept wanting to do it again!
Uncle Jason took Mason down the big slide, I got plastic burns on my arms from this slide it goes really fast...the boys LOVED them!


Mason and Nicholas wore matching pajamas from Aunt Kristel the first night...they looked too cute!
Nicholas gives good hugs but Mason likes his personal space we are working on him being a cuddle bug but we still have lots of work to do!
Nicholas is teaching Mason how to comb his hair!
Poppie always wanted to get some hugs from his boys!
Mary Kaylin was also at the pajama party but she was kept safe on uncle Chris' lap from the action of the two boys! She is such a good baby she just cooed and sat back and watched the boys year I'm sure she is going to be right in the middle of all the action!
We had so much fun with everyone staying at our house we were so sad to see them leave. Its so fun watching the boys starting to grow up together and each time we get together they play together so much more, I am so excited about going to KY for Thanksgiving, by then Mary Kaylin will be soo big! They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, I think that saying may be true! Those of you that live near your family take advantage of spending quality time with them, go to visit them, stop by, you never know when they may have to move away and you'll wish you had them closer.