Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Micah is Going to Kindergarten?

August 12, 2015

Micah is going to Kindergarten?

How is it possible?  How can my middle child be old enough to start kindergarten?  My sweet, kind, loving, generous little Micah Man.  As I have been expressing my bitterness about the upcoming transition of me letting go of Micah, a process that begins the moment you give birth, Mason has offered, what was supposed to be reassuring, words, “You still have 3 years with Ethan and just think when E starts school I will start Middle school”

 With WIDE, Misty Eyes and a deep breath I simply sigh.  Hes right…but for now I do still have Ethan and while I know that I am terribly going to miss Micah I am overjoyed with excitement for him too.  Micah is beginning his own journey.  He is stepping away from me a little more and into the world that God has created for him.  I will continue to pray that Love and Faithfulness will be written on the tablet of Micahs heart and that he will be clothed with the virtue of compassion as he walks the road before him. I trust that Micah will always know that God has a perfect purpose and plan for his life to prosper, not to harm, to give him a hope and a future.

 Today Micah was painting a picture, I think he may have used every color available, he is quite the artist by the way. He began painting a house and inside was a bunk bed and he and Mason were there reading books and eating cookies and outside of their house was a beautiful sunny sky, green grass and a double decker tree house complete with a red tunnel slide.  Beside their house was mine where I was in my bed cutting up peppers to give them good food to eat. 

Oh Micah, may you always feel safe knowing your big brother is with you.  And Mason may you realize the awesome gift you have been given to have Micah as a brother.  And may Chris and I always be the providers that our boys need. May we as their parents trust only God to be our provider, to lead them well, to train them in the way of the Love of their heavenly father. And may these boys love their brothers! 

This summer I have seen glimpses of my prayers being answered.  These boys are loving each other, enjoying one another’s company .  I have tried to tell them they are brothers by birth friends by choice.  I pray that they will continue to work at their friendship and grow to appreciate their differences.