Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Olivia is 2

Peek A Boo
I see You!
Cousins sharing chips and dip...YUMMY
Happy Birthday to you...
Mason and Olivia Learning to sculpt from the Master of Play-doh!
Olivia or as Mason calls her "Vivi" turned 2 this past weekend and we celebrated her birthday on Saturday. Olivia is a beautiful little girl who loves to dance, sing, jump, draw, play with babies and I just discovered that she can do an awesome somersault too! Mason and Olivia are only 15 weeks apart and going to her birthday party made me realize that Mason is getting older too! Its so fun watching the two of them together, Mason and Olivia I mean, I hope they always stay close cousins! Mason loved being at the party the weather was perfect, the company included all of his favorites: Papa, Syssa, O and Vivi. Not to mention he played with play-doh for an hour, played peek-a-boo, cooked up some soup in Olivias kitchen, raced Owens trains, shared chips and dip, and had an adult sized portion of his Aunt Sheilas semi-homemade birthday cake. He did all of this AND missed his nap!

Olivia is 2

Olivia, or in Masons words, "Vivi" is 2. We celebrated her 2nd birthday this past Saturday. She is such a sweet little girl with the most beautiful little voice. She loves to sing, laugh, jump, draw, and I just discoverd that she can do some awesome summersaults too! Mason and Olivia are only 15 weeks apart and its been fun watching them grow up together and this is just the beginning. I hope that they will always stay close cousins. Mason had a blast at the birthday party all of his favorite things were there, Papa, play-doh, a big play house, trains, chips and dip and even a play kitchen in Olivias room! I think Mason thought the party was for him!

Happy 2nd Birthday Olivia!

One of the first things that caught Masons eye at the birthday party was the Play-doh. Kids of all ages love play-doh, especially the "Master Sculpter" Papa! All Mason wants you to make for him are play-doh balls!

Heidi, my cousin, brought Tori and boy oh boy did she think she was big stuff hanging out with all of the big kids!

Peek-a-boo, I see you! Once Mason noticed the house he kept wanting to go in and out and in and out and in and out...

Olivia caught on to Masons game...they are so cute playing together!

Oliva's 2nd Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to you....Mason Loves to "blow" and I think Olivia was a little overwhelmed with EVERYONE singing.
Tori, thought she was SOO big playing with all of the other big kids.
How many people can we fit into this house?

Peek-a-Boo...I see you!

This Saturday Mason had so much fun at his cousin Olivia's birthday party. The weather was perfect, Mason loved playing with play-doh, Owens trains and eating the yummy snacks, especially getting to share chips and dip with his cousin. Olivia and Mason are only 15 weeks apart in age, attending her 2nd birthday made me realize how quickly Mason will be turning two!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One more ride with PaPa!
"Nu Daddy", can I have this "Pies" prize from the shack?

Walking the loop, or in Masons case, catching a ride! What a great Daddy!

The birthday girl...A.K.A....Celebrity Mildred Sherrill

Here is Mason playing in the ditch of this place we call "camp meetin" Crazy that people choose to live here for 2 weeks of their summer.

Mason playing in the ditch of this third world country known as camp meeting.

Camp Meeting

For as long as I can remember for two weeks in August my mom uses her motherly force to get as many of her children, and now grandchildren, to attend the Balls Creek Camp Meeting. At first glance the place looks likes something from a third world country. Camp Meeting is complete with row houses with tin roofs, dirt floors, and swings on every porch. This place has a lot of heritage for the Sherrill family (my moms maiden name). They have been "tenting" since before my mom, who is now 62, was even born. This is the place where my grandparents met. And for some reason, I guess tradition, people keep coming back year after year and the only thing that has changed is that some of the tents now have cement floors, vinyl siding, illegal toilets and air conditioning units. Its crazy to me to see the transformation some of these tents have, they actually look more like something from Gatlinburg...why people spend that much money on their tent when the next one beside theirs looks like my grandmothers, is a mystery to me. I think the reason my grandmother loves it so much is because she is like a celebrity out there! She is celebrating her 92nd birthday this week so everyone there stops by to see Mrs. Sherrill, she may be the oldest person who still tents out in the heat but I must say I think she is the most popular! Every year my mom plans a Sherrill family reunion around camp meeting and everyone goes up with their pot luck and we have "Sundy Dinner"(lunch) After lunch you walk the gravel loop that surrounds the open air church pavilion and wave to people sitting in their tents and you walk to the shack and pick out a prize, maybe get a milk shake and then head back to your tent to watch others do the same. Even though its an odd tradition, I'm glad that its one that I have been a part of. I wonder what kinds of traditions I am going to use my motherly force to get Mason to participate in. This year Mason had his first real experience with Camp Meeting and he loved it!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Nu Mommy" or otherwise translated as, "I know I'm too small to climb this mountian rock wall at the park but I really want to, so "Nu Mommy" ~help

The World of Blogging

Well, thanks to Lisa Davis Turner I am now joining the world of bloggers! We will see how up to date I can keep this. I have really enjoyed looking at others blog sites and catching up on their lives, children and I've realized that its like a giagantic scrap-book!... I guess my purpose for this blog is so that I don't have to scrapbook anymore. I used to love scrap-booking but with my active toddler running around and always wanting to "d", draw, getting out all of the scrap-booking paper, scissors, glue and stickers is too much for his little hands to resist. On the topic of my toddler, let me just tell you, he gets more and more fun EVERY single day! I feel like everyday he is learning a new word but at the moment he still says "nu" for multiple requests such as help, more and again. But to make the "nu" more complete he has also come up with a sign to accompany his plea. He holds his left hand out and points at the palm of his left hand with his right finger over and over...who can resist a request like that? Hes the joy of our lives right now its crazy that he's already 20 months old.